Part 22

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A/N: Okay, so we are now down to the last few chapters!!! Exciting, but sad. Only three more chapters after this one, which is so fucking weird. I feel like I've been writing this book forever! But honestly I probably could have condensed them down into two parts instead, but the day-to-day time lapses might have made it a bit confusing, so that's why these last chapters are going to be short.

I've got the first part of 23 written as well so hopefully you wont have to wait so long for the next update. Hope you like this one! Vote? Comment? Love.


My hand was clasped tightly around Charlie's as we headed up the front steps of my apartment building. There were only two days left before my grandmother's funeral and now was the time to pack up all her things. It was hard to believe that most everything in this place I grew up would be thrown into the garbage. I only planned on keeping my grandmother's most prized possessions: photos, some clothes and jewelry. But honestly there wasn't much value in any of it, only the memories that my grandmother hoped to remember through them.

"We can do this tomorrow, Ash." Charlie tugged on my hand as we now stood outside the door to my shitty apartment.

I shook my head and pulled my keys from my back pocket, "It has to be now."

She refrained from voicing her opinion as I finally unlocked the door and pushed it open. It had only been a week since I've been back here, but the tiny film of dust that covered certain thing said otherwise. It looked and felt like no one had stepped foot in here in years. I flicked the switch on the wall in the front hallway, thankful that the power hadn't been shut off yet.

"Wow." I heard Charlie mutter under her breath as she let go of my hand and turned toward the kitchen.

"It feels so different in here." She spoke quietly as if she had read my mind.

She ran a hand over the counter top, wiping the dust off as she went. Her hand pulled at the refrigerator door but she instantly closed it again and covered her nose and mouth.

Her face looked disgusted as she looked over at my still unmoving frame, "I think we should clean out here first."

I just nodded my head in agreement and moved toward that kitchen closet to grab cleaning supplies. Charlie didn't know it yet, but this would be one of the last times we would spend in this apartment.

After we gathered most everything in the kitchen and living room into black trash bags and boxes we moved onto my grandmother's room. I poked my head in the room as if I would find her sitting in bed reading like she always used to, but instead it was empty, much like the rest of this place.

"What about this?" Charlie held up an old make up bag as she continued to dig through the back of my grandmother's closet.

"Throw it away." I spoke, though I hadn't even looked up to see what it was.

I heard her sigh loudly as I looked through old photographs of my grandmother and grandfather when they were my age. When Charlie's hands found their way around my waist I flinched, not realizing that she had moved from her spot across the room. She pushed her cheek against my back and for a second I allowed a small smile to grace my lips. It was hard to feel happy during a time like this, but finally having Charlie with me made everything seem a little less dreary.

When we were in high school I had been so infatuated with her, even though I didn't really know her. I had been so in love with her beautiful voice that the other things didn't seem to matter. But I was just a kid back then, I know better now. I am undeniably in love with Charlie Brennan through and through. I didn't know anyone else who would be willing to put up with my emotionally fragile personality. But I couldn't tell her that. We hadn't spent enough time together yet. I was more than willing to wait if that meant getting to know her better. I wasn't going to let three simple words scare her away.

"Everything's pretty much packed up." Her voice was muffled by the fabric of my t-shirt.

I placed the last few pictures into the box of my grandmother's things I planned on keeping and turned around to face Charlie, draping my arms over her shoulders. She pulled me closer so our chest pushed together and she just stared up at me quietly.

"I guess all that's left is my room." I spoke as I ran a hand through her blonde hair that seemed to be returning back to its natural sandy color. I liked it much better that way.

I leaned down and placed my lips against hers for only a moment before we both stepped away from each other. Her cheeks were bright red and I found it adorable how flustered she still got when I kissed her.

It didn't take long to get my room organized because I personally didn't have many belongings to begin with. All my clothes were folded and put away in my dresser, the two suitcases stowed under my bed were ready to be packed full with them and whatever knickknacks I might want to keep.

"Come on." I hopped up on my desk that was now cleared of all papers and magazines.

I pushed up on the frame of the window and climbed out onto the fire escape. My hands steadied Charlie as she clumsily made her way out next. With that we headed up the two flights of metal steps it took to get to the roof.

If I were going to miss one thing about this town it would be this view. I turned away from the setting sun and headed for the battered old couch.

"I've always wondered how you got this thing up here." Charlie took a seat next to me as she spoke.

I chuckled slightly, "It's actually been up here since before I moved in."

"Oh." She blushed slightly out of embarrassment.

We were quiet for a while after that, just taking in our surroundings while we still could in the growing darkness. I could feel Charlie's eyes on me the longer we didn't speak and I knew it would only be matter of time before she spoke up.

"You're not going to stay here are you?" She asked.

"Here?" I questioned even though I knew exactly what she was talking away, "Where?"

"Here." She pointed toward the ground, "This town, Ash-"

She paused in thought, "I want you to come to LA with me."

"My apartment is big enough for two," She mumbled the last part.

I smiled at her words, appreciating the fact that she wanted me out of this town as much as Michael did.

"Don't you think it's a bit early in the relationship for us to be living together." I joked.

"I- umm..." Her cheeks turned red once again but she continued to speak, "I just don't want you to get stuck here."

"Well you don't have to worry about that." I slid my hand over her thigh and smiled down at her reassuringly, "I've got a place to stay."

"You do? Where?" She looked utterly confused.

"Michael's got a new job in LA and he asked me to move in with him." I could already feel the excitement welling up inside me.

"To LA?" She questioned, though I could see the growing smile on her face.

"Yup." I nodded in conformation, "Which means you'll probably be seeing me around a little more often."

She surprised me with a peppering of kisses on my face and it was finally my turn to blush like a total idiot. But I still couldn't manage to wipe the grin off my face.

"I can't wait to have you with me all the time." She spoke quietly as she tucked her arms around my waist and leaned her head against my shoulder.

This was yet another perfect ending to the shittiest time of my life. I couldn't wait to start over in a new city with my girl and my best friend by my side.

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