Part 23

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I lay sprawled out on the couch in the Brennan's living room. My arm covered my face in hopes it would help shield the sunlight that poured in through the window across the room. I could feel Mrs. Brennan's eyes on me as I laid there.

Charlie had left not too long ago to go to the store and buy some stacks for us to eat while we lounged around watching movies all day. I'm not sure if she knew how else to comfort me but I really didn't need her to do anything. The fact that she was back home with me was enough.

"Can I get you some water, Ashton?"

Mrs. Brennan on the other hand, for reasons I didn't know, bent over backwards to try and make me feel comfortable. It was nice but sad because I really did miss having a mother figure in my life.

"No thank you, Mrs. B, I'm fine." I lifted my head and gave her a weak smile.

"Are you sure?" She pushed on, "I could make you some tea."

"Honestly, Mrs. B, I'm fi-"

"Mom!" Charlie walked into the room with two plastic bags in her hands, "Stop pestering him. If he wants something he knows how to ask for it."

She hadn't tried to sound rude, she had just been a bit overprotective of my feelings recently. Her mom understood that completely and nodded her head before she exited the room.

"Harsh, Charlie." I joked as she made her way over to me.

She paid no attention to my words as she started to pull things out of the bags, listing them off as she went, "I got chips and I know you like soar patch kids, so I got some of those too."

"And I also got your special request." She set the bottle of green tea down on the coffee table in front of me, "I had to drive all the way across town to find that brand, so you better drink it all."

I smiled sweetly up at her before I picked up the bottle and opened it. She watched me as I took a large gulp before she took up the space next to me on the couch, a satisfied smile on her face.

"So," She picked up the remote and turned on the tv, "What movie do you want to watch first?"

"Doesn't matter." I leaned back against the couch to get more comfortable, "Whatever you want."

Charlie snickered under her breath and I rolled my eyes as the opening credits to She's the Man started to play. I'd go down with a fight before I admitted to Charlie that this movie was actually quite funny.

The day was spent lying out on the couch, eating junk food and watching shitty chick flicks. It was hard for me to complain though, since I got to spend yet another day with Charlie.

We hadn't decided to stay in just because of me. Even though it had only been a few months, Atlas Rose was one of the biggest names being talked about now. It was obvious Charlie tried to ignore the fact that she was now under a magnifying glass and just tried to act as normal as possible. I wasn't sure how life would be once we got to LA, but I didn't want to think about that just yet.

My fingers drummed against Charlie's legs absentmindedly as a yawn escaped my lips. Who knew that watching three movies could make you so tired.

"Are you going to stay here tonight?" Charlie asked as she stretched her arms over her head.

"Hmm..." I paused in thought, "I think I should spend my last few nights at the apartment."

"She looked up at me nervously but nodded her head anyway, "Well I'll just come with you then."

"You don't have to do that," I spoke, though I hoped she would insist because I really didn't want to spend a night alone in that place.

"I'm going to come with you." She smiled and I waited only a moment before agreeing.

I hopped out of the driver's side of my truck, and met Charlie over on the sidewalk just down a block from my apartment. There were surprisingly a lot of cars parked on the street, but that might only be because one of the many bars in town was just down the road slightly and there was no where else to park.

The sun had just gone down, but you could still see its glow over the horizon. I wrapped my arm around Charlie's shoulders in a protective manner, pulling her into my side.

It wasn't weird to have people standing around on the sidewalk in this area of the city, most were normally buzzed and looking for a handout. So when I saw a woman standing just a few feet away from my building I didn't pay much mind to her. But as we got closer I could see that this woman was not wearing the normal jeans and t-shirt, but a simple business suit. I gave her an odd look as Charlie and I passed by her. She just seemed so familiar. I let her drift from my mind as Charlie wrapped her arm around my waist and gave me a light squeeze. I smiled down at her as I fished my keys from my pocket.

"A-ashton?" A voice from behind us had me whipping around in confusion.

I towered over the woman in the business suit as I stood on the front steps of my building. Her naturally blonde hair was pulled back from her face and as I took in her appearance for another moment it finally clicked. She was my mother.

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