Death Due My Vibes

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I recently discovered that people have vibes.
And these vibes are colors.
Colors of light.

I figured out that my vibe was blue,
The most strongest of them all
The most dangerous.

I also found out other people's vibe.
And that there was a variety.
Except for one...

I found this girl who has near the same vibe.
It was a very bright blue.
Just like mine.

We were compatible for each other with our vibe.
But the problem was that I
Already shared mine...

Mine was shared with a girl with a sea green vibe.
And that was stretched.
Over 700 miles.

It was very hard to not form a new sharing
Because most vibes like to meet
Same colored vibes.

So I formed a partial bond with blue
Only to realize that
That wasn't right.

We both wanted a fully shared bond
One who's energy was stronger
Than other bonds.

But we just couldn't do it that way.
Not with my own situation.
Not right now.

So now I question and grasp for answers.
Wondering what to do.
Follow or leave?

Do I follow my actions and my heart?
Or ignore them for green?
Live or let die?

My heart gurgles like a raging mountain river
Waiting to rest at the calm bottom
And wash away...

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