Crushing Pressure

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I wait for my life's agonizing pain

To wither away down a drain.

But it never goes away forever,

But remains like a switch or a lever.

One small thing that pushes me down

Is like many jocks pushing me around.

It's ready to open and reveal its trap.

To throw me into a blackened sap.

The pain is like fire. It burns my soul.

Only hope itself keeps me whole.

But what use is hope when there is no light?

It's like putting up a worthless fight.

Not knowing where my feet are going,

I trudge on with the wind a blowing.

I follow life's path of true suffering.

Every task is like I'm buffering.

I seek that light that I never see

In hope that it will set me free.

But I never find this light I seek

As my happiness dwindles like a drying creek.

But only by chance, there comes a girl.

Her happiness shows light in my world.

I fall in love as my life takes hold,

But life's cruel nature soon takes a toll.

I want to talk to her, but am too busy.

My mind spins round making me dizzy.

I struggle to find time with her

As there comes a thick wall of fur.

My mind is now sweaty and hot,

My anger is boiling in a pot.

I'm frustrated and beyond dead tired.

The people around me become utter liars.

I climb mountain after mountain seeking a plateau.

One that is warm and covered with no snow.

I wish to seek shelter above the storm

That helps my grueling anger to form.

Finally I make it above the clouds.

The suns warmth ever so proud.

But I hear her voice through the thunder

Crying in pain from within down under

I realize that this pain is not real

But is made by people, made to feel.

This isn't right for me to find peace

While others wither in the pains I see.

I make my decision before its too late

To go and help others that sit and wait.

I take a few steps back, ready to bolt,

Before I run and jump like a brave, white colt.

The lights and flashes, I have no fear,

For she is close and very near.

The greatness of the safe summit

Grows farther away as I plummet.

Darkness swallows as pain surrounds

Yet I keep going determinedly bound.

Somewhere down there, there is a girl

Who is suffering the pain in oceans that whirl.

She is holding on but her grip is weak

As she searches blindly for a small creek.

But here I am. Light radiates from me.

Power illuminates the blackened trees.

I walk towards her for her to see

That she is not alone; that she has me.

Nothing dares to stop me in my path

For fear that I will unleash my wrath.

But that's too late for I see the damage

And for a brief moment I go on a rampage.

The evil runs away as I let loose my pain

For seeing her like this, her life being drained.

I walk up to her, purpose in my strides

As the evil fades and the darkness hides.

I take hold of her shackles and pull apart

The mighty great chains that hold her heart.

My muscles strain as sweat forms on my brow.

This will end here. It will end now.

Will new determination the links snap

And now she is free from this wretched trap.

I pick her up in my arms

As I walk away from hatred and harm.

My job is now done. I've saved her life.

We've made it together through this evil strife.

Now I can talk to her and listen to her speak

As we live on like a never-ending creek.

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