Missing Someone

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The pain I feel is like the burning sun.

It's heat brings misery to my world of fun.

The desolate and barren look on my face

Shows that happiness has fled without a trace.

This empty pit inside my fractured heart,

Only one thing it needs prevents it to start.

But it's only the beginning of unbearable pain

Soon to build up like the raging train.

Love is what they call it without a doubt

But it's too early for me to think about.

I've never met her face. So why do I grieve?

It's not like she's gone, but I did have to leave.

Every hour it grows to unbearable heights.

My soul used to be lit, but pain dims the light.

I walk on for now, going with ease,

But down in my heart, it won't be a breeze.

Two days have passed and my worst fears have come true.

Every waking minute, I am missing you.

My life, my soul; they shatter in shambles.

My mind runs crazily on as it rambles.

My heart does squeeze every time you cross my mind

And I hope you have no pain, hope that you're fine.

Day three is here and I cannot continue.

My life is nothing unless I am with you.

But I am never with you for we live apart.

Yet that won't be the case if we give our hearts.

I have suffered long enough just like you.

We must talk again. I must see you.

This spot in me is void of joy I once had.

So lets fill it up and together be glad.

These are my feelings and I express them out loud

For I want to declare them in the mightiest of shouts.

Here I am done and my goal is complete.

I've figured out how much you mean to me.

So I'll ask again and it will be fine.

Will you please take my hand and please be mine?

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