Poems by Larson

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These are all the poems that I've written in the past year, starting in the summer of 2013. So please read, comment, be a critic, and try to understand the actual meaning of the poem. If you can't, then just pm me if you'd like. I'll be glad to answer any questions.

So a lot of these poems are dark, I know. I've went through some tough times lately, and I have also had a lot of built up anger at the world from elementary school. So it's my way of letting them out. That, and I really haven't had that many good times in my life. I'm sure I have, but something bad is usually always around the corner.

For the several poems that aren't dark, they are either about friends or love. I love love, so don't judge. I highly recommend you to follow that advice because I've learned that people on wattpad are like more targets for cyber bullying. ANYWAYS...

I'm not that good of a poet, but if you would like me to write a poem for you or help you with your own, I would absolutely love to help you.

Well, thank you for putting through with me.

Oh and if you comment, I might not respond but I will follow you and more than likely PM you.



And especially read-

Thank you all!!!!!!!!!


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