When Love Don't Last

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He walks along his blundering path.

Whispering winds mimic his wrath.

Hidden, angry, crying, scared

Slain with shame, burdened marred.

Lost his soul beyond the gates

Pillaging through his dreadful fates.

Screaming blood, his open wounds

Black his heart with deathly shrooms.

Boiling death, bursting blisters

Fevers rage with strength of twisters.

Eyes so cold, red with blood

Veins pop out and cause red floods.

Disease breaks out along his chest

Disrupting pain in conscious rest.

Warts invade his rotting feet

Arriving in blackened fleets.

Hives raid his arms and face.

Identity abolished with no trace.

The man you knew has left so fast.

Tis what happens when love don't last.

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