Maybe We Should Look

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Have you ever met that one person

Who always compliments you,

But goes right back and puts themselves down,

Or says they aren't good enough?

I have, and it was me,

And it was you.

It's been the whole world for years.

And it is only getting worse.

No wonder depression rules a teen.

All they do is think that you're better than them.

They compliment you, hide their pain,

And only shadow the happiness that isn't there.

Maybe we should look,

Open our eyes for once and see the truth.

For if we don't, then who will?

No one.

So it's up to you

To open your eyes,

See the true world,

And try to change it.

Only question is when will you?


I'm dedicating this to @Talk_Qwerty_To_Me for talking to me. I thought about our conversation and was inspired to write what I had realized. So I thank her for being my inspiration for this poem.

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