Chapter 25

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I stared into his eyes, and he stared back into mine.

By this point, an awkward silence had definitely settled. 

Well, maybe it looked like that from the outside. But it... wasn't?

Sure, there were no words. Just an intense  stare between us. My breath hitched in my throat, his face not showing  a single sign of regret. 

He held his ground... and he loved me?

It was a little hard to take in. To think that anyone could love me. I was a demon. A monster. I didn't deserve to be loved... yet I was. 

I almost couldn't believe it.

I couldn't believe that this man, the a literal god that walked the earth, could love me. Enough to give up his title and his pack, something which he loved dearly, just to be with me. 

And how had I repaid him? I was awful to him, he didn't deserve a mate like me. But he wanted a mate like me.

But... it was his choice right? I couldn't stop him. The mate bond was there for a reason. We were perfect for each other, genetically and mentally and everywhere between. 

Maybe I was allowed to be a little selfish. Maybe I was allowed to keep him. 

I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding, and reached forwards and grabbed his hand.

I still said nothing, but sometimes a simple gesture can speak louder than words. I was showing him that I accepted it. 

Nothing else was said for a while, just me tugging on his hand, leading him through the pack land, past the pack house with my room and my office. Past where the wolves lived. 

It was pretty isolated back here. 

Everything was arranged. 

I kept going over what I would say in my head, it was drizzle but it was more the intention than anything, I suppose.

We walked up to a clearing in the middle of the forest that we walked through, surrounded by tall trees that were neatly in a circle, the grass here was perhaps the nicest in the territory, lush and soft. There was a dirt path that led up to a house. 

The house was a complete mix of what represented myself and my old self. 

It was made of light coloured bricks and was three floors high, clear windows on the walls, as many as was possible. There was a porch outside, four steps leading up to it. The wood was light coloured. The house might seem like a very Avery type thing, but there was more to it. The whole thing had a very open vibe to it, welcoming almost. Avery was a part of me which I wanted to lose, it was only know that I realised  she was a part of me. A part that I needed.

We had stopped at the bottom of the front steps, I was suddenly nervous. 

It was stupid. I had no reason to be.

I stared up at the house, at the reflections from the sunlight on the windows. 

"I had this built about a year ago." I told him, finally breaking the silence. It was almost a relief. "For when I started a family. I didn't know if I wanted a mate... but I figured... just in case."

It was almost weird to see exactly how much Avery was in this place. I guess she had always been a big part of me. 

"It's very you." he said, I could almost hear the smile through his words. 

"Yeah." I agreed, "It is. Very... Avery." 

He turned to face me then, I looked up at him, to see him smiling. I guess he was happy that I finally admitted to it. 

"Why have you brought me here?" He asked me.

Damn, and I thought the intentions were clear enough. 

I tried to repress the sigh, and took his hand once more, leading him through the front door, they were double doors, made of glass. Easily breakable, yes. But anyone that was desperate enough to break a glass door down to get it could just as easily break a regular door. 

The front room was once again very open, cream sofas and a rug to match ontop of light wood floor, there was lots of space, but it looked less clustered. 

I led him up two sets of spiral stairs, passing another sitting room on the way up, the same colour scheme as the main lounge. 

The top floor was a room in it's own right, a large bedroom, two doors on the left wall, one leading to an en-suite bathroom, the other to the walk-in wardrobe. There was another set of doors, once again glass, matching the doors downstairs. These doors led out to a balcony that had some seats on it. 

The room was carpeted, soft cream, to match the colour scheme of the entire house. There was a large, king-sized bed with four posters atop of a slightly raised platform. 

I gestured around the room, "I had all of our things brought here while we were gone." I said, my voice almost matching a whisper. I was nervous, did he want that? 

"Why?" He asked again. 

I scrunched my eyes, did I have to spell it out for him?

"I guess I'm just trying to say..." I paused, trying to think of the right words. "I- I'm sorry that it took me so long to tell you this... it's just... I've been denying you for a while..."

There was a silence as he waited for me to continue. 

"I'm... I'm accepting you as my mate. I love you too. I guess I have for a while." 

I had barely gotten the words out of my lips by the time he was on me, kissing me. 

A lot of things happened after that. 

Let's just say that, long story short. We fully mated. I accepted him, and he accepted me. 

It was unlike anything before, nothing could be compared to the utter devotion that you felt to your mate when you finally accepted them. 

There was now a completely official bond tying us together. He would be an alpha once again, we both would be. 

Maybe it wasn't so hard for someone to love a demon.


Short again! I know, but I just don't have much time to write anymore, so it's this or nothing really. I am trying to update at least once a week, so hopefully this will be finished in about 6 weeks? And then I can start actually writing the spin-off 'Phoenix' (prologue already out on my profile)

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