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Somewhere in 1800's

I closed the window stopping the chilly wind from entering inside. I went near the fireplace where my mother was sitting along with my seven year old brother who was cuddling my mother very tightly.

"His temperature is not going down." My mother said touching his forehead.

"Am I going to die?" My brother said with a very weak voice.

"No!" My mother and I said in unison.

Although we both spat out same word but there was difference. Difference that when my mother said NO her voice was a prayer where as mine, it was with determination that I am going to protect them from anything and everything.

I hurriedly grabbed my coat and ran towards the door only to be stopped by my mother.

"Honey, I don't think you should go outside its cold and its very dark. Not safe for you dear." She said patting my brother's back.

I walked towards her and kneeled down reaching her height.

I took her hand in mine and looked into her eyes " Remember when I was a little girl, I use to come home crying because those boys use to tease me and make fun of me?" I paused.

She responded with a nod.

"Father always use to say that I am not his daughter but his son who just dress up like a girl." I continued.

Her face beamed with a smiled and same time tears started to flow through her eyes.

"Be strong like a boy and ..." I said remembering my Father's words.

"Behave like a girl" we both said remembering our good old days.

"If George was here then this would have not happened, any of this....." She started to cry thinking about my father.

Be strong . I said to myself.

"Well he is not but I am. I promise  I'll be back soon. I love you." I said kissing her cheeks.

"I love you too, honey" she kissed me back on my checks.

"I love you three" my sick brother managed to say.

" And I love you hundred" I said kissing my brother's forehead.

I stepped out of my house. It was really late and dark. No one was in sight. The only thing that was evident was the snow. I pulled my coat over my chest tightly trying to seep in each and every warmth provided by my jacket.

I walked and walked and walked. It didn't matter how long I had to walk I needed to get medicine for my brother and bearing the freezing cold was the price I had to pay then be it for my brother's health.

I walked for almost an hour. I couldn't feel my legs anymore due to snow yet I somehow managed to walk. I stopped and let out a sigh of relief when I saw the hospital board with a little lamp hanging on the wall.

I was about to walk again but then I heard some noise. I turned around but didn't see anyone or anything rather than snow covered road so I continued walking.

"Serena" A voice called my name.

I stopped and turned around. I saw a man with blonde hairs although I couldn't exactly see his eyes due to lack of light but I bet those had to be in shades of blue.

"Who- who are you?" I managed to say.

"I am Niklaus Mikealson love,but people call me Klaus."He said .

"How do you know my name ? I don't exactly remember being acquainted to you" I said already starting to take few steps backward in the direction of the hospital.

He smirked looking at my action.

"I assure you, you have no reasons to be scared, love. I mean no harm to you. You have my words on that" He said taking few steps in my direction.

I neither trusted his words nor his intention so I turned around and started running towards the hospital.

I looked back running but he was not there anymore. So I looked ahead only to be crashed on to something hard or someone hard.

He was there right in front of me.

"How did you managed to get here so fast?"I asked gaping.

"I have my secrets sweetheart. Now listen to me" He said almost staring into my eyes.

"I want to you to forget that you even had a life here. You will forget everything about your family to your friends. You are in love with me and we are getting married very soon" he said.

"Very soon" I repeated his words.

"Yes Love, Now go to sleep" He said and with that I felt my eyelids getting heavy and I drifted to sleep.

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