chapter 6

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Rena, Stefan and Damon were in the living room when Jenna calls Stefan.

"Hello" Stefan answers the call.

"Hey, Stefan. It's Jenna." She replies

"Jenna, hey."

"Where's Elena? And Jeremy? No one's answering their phone" she says.

Stefan looks at Damon and Rena and shifts uncomfortably.

"Ah, Elena's not here at the moment. Is uh, is everything okay?" he asks.

"She left me all the weird messages telling me to stay away from Ric. What's going on?" she asks.

"It's really hard to explain over the phone, but, um she was hoping that you could stay on campus for a little while longer." He says.

"Oh, that's kinda hard to do from my kitchen." She says.

"Wait you are home?" He asks little freaking out.

"Yeah. What's going on? Where's Elena? I'm supposed to meet Ric at the grill for lunch, to talk." She says.

"Jenna, listen to me carefully. Whatever you do, do not meet Alaric at the grill. I'm gong to come over right now and I'll explain everything." He says ending the call.

"Wow, I'd love to lend you a hand, but you wouldn't want me doing anything stupid." Damon says.

"Stefan, I'll come with you." Rena says.

"Rena, you are my best friend.. bff got to stick together." Damon pouts.

Rena was still furious at Damon for using compulsion on Andie.

"Talk to me Damon, when you let Andie free from your compulsion." She says and leaves the house with Stefan.

While going to Gilbert house, Stefan notices Rena's behaviour.

"Hey, everything okay?" he asks.

"Yeah. It's just that I hate someone uses compulsion. I don't like it." She says.

"I get it. Don't worry he will come around." He says to reassure Rena.

Jenna opens the door sees Stefan and Rena.

"Hey Rena, nobody told me you are back." Jenna says and hugs her.

"Hey, Jenna. Thank you so much for not going to the grills." Stefan says.

"Um, Stefan.." Jenna trails off.

"No, listen. I can explain" he says.

Jenna looks over Stefan's shoulder. Stefan and Rena turn around and find Klaus/Alaric.

"Hi Stefan and hello Rena. How's it going?" Klaus speaks.

"You know, I find chopping....calming. The feel of the blade in the hand, maybe." Alaric says chopping some food.

"I 'm still waiting for someone to tell me, what's going on?" Jenna says crossing her hands on her chest.

"well would you like to tell her Stefan, or should I?" Alaric smirks.

"Tell me what?" Jenna asks with confusion.

"Do you believe in Vampire, Jenna? No? "Alaric asks.

"Why are we talking about this? Rena, what's going on? You tell me at least." Jenna says.

Before Rena could answer Alaric/Klaus speaks "well, you've been angry with me for keeping secrets, and this is one of my secrets. I' m obsessed with Vampires. There. I said it."

Rena and Stefan looks at each other don't know how to handle this situation.

"Oh, I know this sounds crazy but... vampires are real. Would you care for some wine?" Alaric asks Jenna.

"Get out" Jenna shouts.

"Excuse me?"Alaric asks with confusion.

"I said get out!" Jenna says pointing to the door.

"You heard her." Stefan says walking towards Alaric.

"I'm afraid. I don't want to" he says.

"Fine! I'll go." Jenna says.

"You're not going anywhere." Alaric says picking up the knife from the counter.

Stefan grabs him and pushes him against the wall with his super speed and puts the knife on his throat.

"Stefan!" Jenna calls out.

"Jenna, get out of here now!" Rena shouts at her

"You can't kill me Stefan" Alaric says.

"Watch me" Stefan says.

"Stefan!" Jenna yells again.

Rena pushes Stefan and takes his place, placing the knife on Alaric's throat.

"Get Jenna, out of here Stefan." Rena says without breaking the eye contact with Alaric.

"But" Stefan begins.

"Just take her out Stefan, please" Rena says. Stefan nods and leaves the house with Jenna.

"I know you wouldn't kill Me." he says with a smirk.

"Being with you, for these many years I know some your tricks, Niklaus. I know if I do I will only hurt the real Alaric." She holds the knife tightly around his throat.

"I have never seen you in action, you look... sexy" He says with a smirk.

"Oh, please I am over your praise and compliment, Niklaus. Stay away from my friends, niklaus" she says.

"Oh, and miss this angry beautiful eyes, never." He smiles.

"You asked for it" Rena says and punches him in the face. Klaus fells on the floor, she kicks him in the stomach and leaves the house.


sorry for the mistakes

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