chapter 14

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"Rena?" Elena calls Serena's name ringing her door bell.

She knocks couple of time but gets no response. Sensing something is wrong she grabs the door knob and twists it. She walks into the house to be welcomed by the utter silence.

She heads towards the bedroom and spots an empty bed. She checks out the house and return back to bedroom.

She pulls out her phone and dials Damon's number.

"What?" Damon yells.

"I can't find Rena anywhere. Is she with you?" She asks.

"No. Check the house." Damon instructs.

"I did. She is not here Damon" she says with a sigh and walks towards the bedroom window. She suddenly comes to a halt and takes two steps back and stops in front of the dressing table.

"Damon, there's a letter for you here" she says picking the envelope.

Damon joins Elena in Serena's bedroom.

Elena looks at him as he snatches the letter from her hand.

"I was already on my way back here." He says tearing the envelope and starts reading the paper.

Dear brother,

The only way to save Rena was to feed her Klaus's blood. And you know nothing comes easy when it involves Klaus. He let out a condition that he will only save her if I and her will leave the town with him.

I know how much Serena means to you and I can't see you in that state of despair. If saving her is to save you and the price is to to be away from the one's I love .... I paid it. Besides you can be assured that I am with Serena.

Take care of yourself and Elena!


"Did you knew anything about it?" Damon yells at Elena shoving the letter in her hand.

" what?" Elena asks and start reading the letter.

"No, I had no clue about it. Do you think I'll let Stefan go?" She sighs out loud and collapses on bed.

"Damn you Klaus!" Damon yells breaking the mirror on the dressing table.

"Damon" Elena calls his name.

"You know I could have gone with him. I would have gladly volunteered for Stefan's position. Atleast I could have been with Rena. How does Stefan thinks this decision have saved me ? When both of them are there with that bloody hybrid?" He screams breaking the door of the bedroom and vanishing out of the house.

In a motel (Tennessee)

Serena pov

"Do you Niklaus Mikealson take Serena Petersen as your legally wedded wife ?"

"Yes I do" I heard his Niklaus voice.

I opened my eyes and saw Niklaus standing in front of me in white tux with blood stains over his shirt and his face covered with blood. His eyes yellow and he smirked at me.

I looked around to find no one. I tried to run but I couldn't move my legs.

I looked at him in confusion. His smirk only grew wider.

"Do you Serena Petersen take Niklaus Mikealson as your legally wedded husband?" I heard the voice.

I opened my mouth to answer but Niklaus held my face in his hands and looked into my eyes. I found his eyes dilating and he spoke " Say yes!"

I tried to go against what he said but I found myself automatically answering the question "Yes! I do"

"No!!! "I woke up breathing heavily.

"No! " I said again couldn't helping myself getting out from shock.

"Rena" I heard a familiar voice.

That pulled me out of my thought and found Stefan staring at me with concern. Then I noticed I wasn't in my room.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling now?" He asked giving me a glass of water.

I took it and drank. Water didn't satisfy my thirst as I kept rubbing my throat.

"I think she needs this" I saw a hand with a glass of blood. I looked at the owner of the hand and found myself staring at Stefan.

"What is he doing here, Stefan? Where are we?" I asked glancing around the room.

"Love, Calm down. Drink this, you need blood." Niklaus came near me.

I moved away towards Stefan. " I don't need it. Have it for yourself."
I started climbing out of my bed but suddenly my legs ditched me and I fell on floor.

Stefan picked me up and made me sit on the bed.

He then took the glass of blood from Niklaus's hand and handed it to me.

"Drink this first. I will explain everything."
Stefan said almost pleading.

I nodded and started drinking it. I knew I was weaker and lacked blood in my system. But I am not that weak to lose my self dignity for a glass of blood that too offered by the man who made me vampire in the first place.

"Leave us alone for sometime. It's not like we will run away." Stefan said to Niklaus.

Niklaus looked at me and kept his eyes on me for a minute. And then letting out a breath got from his chair and walked towards the door.

" you don't have much time. We have some plan tonight." He said walked out of the door.

Then Stefan explained me how we got here. He told me how Alaric told him about the cure which made me mentally note to kick Alaric's a*s the next time I meet him. And then his deal with Klaus. Which made me hate Niklaus more than I do now. Because of me, Stefan is away from mystic falls. I knew I owed him big.

"So in short we are stuck with Klaus for some time." He said walking towards the window.

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