chapter 13

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The more time passed by Serena felt weaker and weaker. After the ritual, Elena woke up as a human which meant the spell worked but they lost Jenna and John. They all attended the funeral and Serena was imagining her grave to be next soon.

Everyone came to know about Serena's condition but were clueless about the cure. Serena didn't tell many anyone about the cure except Alaric because it was for that cure Elijah didn't kill Niklaus and they both were missing in action for past two days.

Serena's house

Damon carefully opened the door and closed it without making any noise. He put the blood bags on the kitchen counter and went towards Serena's bedroom. He found her sleeping peacefully. He sat near her bed and took her hand in his. Bite was getting nasty and he still had no clue how to cure it. He didn't want to lose her at any cos because she has had always been his best friend, his guardian angel and his family.

He took a deep breath and left her bedroom. He started pouring blood in a mug for Rena.

Serena Pov

I felt someone poking my cheeks, I opened my eyes.

"Sister" said a small boy in front of me.

"Samuel" I got up from my bed. I looked around, I was in my mystic fall house.

"Sister, see mother is crying." He pointed towards the corner. I was stunned to see my mother in the corner, her legs towards her chest and both arms wrapped around her legs.

I walked towards her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Mother" I said still confused how are they here in my room.

"Don't touch me Serena." She stood up and picked Samuel in her arms.

"Mother" I cried.

"I am not your mother, you left us. You left us there in cold. You promised me you will be back but you didn't." She spoke venomously.

"I- I .. it's not what... you thin-" I tried to speak.

"No, I don't want to hear your poor excuse. You failed keeping your promise, you failed returning to your family. George, your father is so disappointed you failed him too." She said, her each words were like daggers which she was throwing at me.

"Mother listen to-" I started to speak only to be stopped again.

"You are hopeless. I regret the moment I gave birth to you. You are the worst daughter Serena and worst sister. It's all because of you. You are reason" she said looking at me with disgust.

"Noooo!" I screamed and collapsed on the floor.

"Rena" Damon came in. He picked me up in arms and laid me on the bed.

"Damon.." I held his hand and pointed to where my mother and brother were standing. "See my mother is accusing me, she is saying I am the worst daughter, worst sister." I cried.

"There is no one here Rena. It's just you and me." He said. I looked at him.

"No they are standing-" I said pointing to where they were standing but they were not there.

"I swear they were standing there Damon, I swear." I said trying to get up from my bed.

"Shh...shhh" he said wrapping an arm around me. He kissed on my forehead.

"Just close your eyes." He whispered in my ears.

"Just close your eyes." He said once again and I did as he said.

I felt his hand in my hairs and started caressing my hairs.

Soon sleep wrapped me in his arm and I fell asleep.

Damon's POV.

When I listened to her steady breathing. I slowly got from the bed and wiped a rogue tear that flowed from my eyes.

I left the house and went to grill.

I ordered few drinks and started gulping it down in my system.

"Damon"I heard my name.

"Join the party, Ric. We are soon going to lose our musketeer." I said drinking.

"Damon" he said.

"Don't Damon me Ric, I know she is going to die like how Rose died and I am just going stand there watching it ." I said.

I ordered one more drink.

Ric stared at me.

"Damon you had enough. You won't be able to handle anymore. You will go insane." Said by my brother, Stefan who joined us.

"Insane" I let out an empty laugh.

"Rena is the only one who keeps me sane, Stefan. You don't know anything Stefan, you don't anything." I said.

He tried to speak but I stopped him.

"You think it's easy to live when you are in love with your brother's girl. To see her in your arms ? No it's not. It's Rena who keeps me going. When everyone here judge me and considers me as a bad guy. It's her... it's always been her who helps me not to flip that humanity switch. I don't know what I am going to do without her, Stefan." I felt my tears on my cheeks.

I tossed some bill on the table and left.

Third person POV

As soon as Damon left. Alaric occupied the seat which was earlier occupied by Damon.

"Stefan, there is a way to save both of them." Alaric said to Stefan.

Stefan glanced at him and arched an eyebrow.

"klaus." Alaric said.

"klaus?" Stefan asked.

"Yes , his blood will heal Rena. She told me two days ago but made me promise to not to tell anyone. But seeing both my friends suffering I don't care about the promise anymore. It's not worth it." Alaric said drinking the whole content in the glass.

Stefan seemed to be contemplating for while. He drank from his glass. And stood up.

"I will talk to Klaus then." He said and left.

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