Chapter 19

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Klaus, Serena and Stefan walks in the mountains. Stefan carries Ray unconscious, on his shoulders.

Klaus looks at Stefan and asks "You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?"

Stefan replies " I'm fine."

Serena remains quiet and just walks

"You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down..." Klaus says with a small grin.

"You know, I get that we're, uh..." Stefan speaks looking at Serena "we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great."

"So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend." Klaus says as he walks ahead of them.

"Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer." Stefan says shifting Ray from one shoulder to other.

" Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. There." Klaus stops followed by Stefan and Serena when they see the camp set up by the werewolves pack.

Stefan puts Ray down on the ground and everyone stares at them.

A Woman runs towards Ray "Ray! Oh, my God. What's going on? Who are you?" She says looking at Stefan.

"The important question is who am I. Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus." Klaus speaks walking into the camp.

Woman gasps and says "You're the hybrid."
Klaus smiles.

"You've heard of me. Fantastic."

Klaus and Stefan sits on the wood whereas Serena chose to stand next to a tree.

Klaus speaks up breaking the silence "It's fascinating, actually...A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid."

At that moment Ray wakes up

Klaus smiles "Excellent timing, Ray. Very dramatic."

"What's happening to me?" Ray asks holding his neck marrying a surprise look on his face.

"Stefan?" Klaus calls Stefan.

Before Stefan gets up Serena stands exactly at center of the camp and asks "Are any of you human? Your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition to vampire. If he doesn't get it, he will die."

Klaus joins her "Doesn't take much, just a sip. Anyone? A boyfriend, a girlfriend, along for the ride?"

Klaus points out a human "You!"

Klaus rushes over to him and bites his forearm. Stefan grabs him, throws him on the ground in front of Ray. The woman protests but Klaus strangles her.

"If you don't drink it, Ray, I will. Problem is I don't know how to stop." Stefan says

Klaus looks at the girl.

"It's the new order, sweetheart. You join us, or you die." Klaus says to the girl.

"I'd rather die than be a vampire." Girl swears.

"Wrong choice." Klaus gives her his blood. Ray drinks the blood from the man.

" She'll thank me for that later." With that Klaus twists her head and kills her.

"Okay, who's next?"His eyes becomes yellow and his fangs comes out.


"Ah, he's through his transition. He should be feeling better soon." Klaus says looking at Ray.

"So is this your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan asks.

"No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades." Klaus interrupts.

"Whatever sails your boat." Serena mutters but Klaus hears it and clenches his jaw.

"For what war, might I ask?" Serena asks.

"Oh, you don't arm yourself after war has been declared, Serena. You build your army so big that no one ever dares pick a fight." Klaus answers her.

"What makes you so sure that they'll be loyal?" Stefan asks.

" Well, it's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team. That's something you'll learn once you shake that horribly depressive chip off your shoulder." Klaus replies with a grin.

"That's why you're,'re keeping me around? To witness my attitude adjustment?" Stefan asks cocking his eyebrows.

Klaus looks at Ray, sits next to him, and examines his face. Ray's eyes starts bleeding.

"You'll know why I'm keeping you around when I've decided that I want you to know."

"Something's wrong." Serena says when she gets closer to Ray.

"That shouldn't be happening, should it?" Stefan asks.

"Well, obviously." Klaus gets up.

"You said it was gonna feel better. Why doesn't it feel better?" Ray says shivering.

" Some master race." Stefan taunts.

"Lose the attitude." Klaus warns him looking at Ray.

The woman wakes up. Three of them turns towards her.

Mean while Ray snarls and jumps on Serena. He tries to scratch her with his fingers but she defends. He then tries to bite her but Klaus pushes Ray off from her.

Ray tries to attack again but Stefan jumps on Ray and pushes him on the ground. Ray bites him and leaves.

"Go get him" Klaus commands. And Stefan leaves.

Klaus makes Serena stand back again and checks for any injuries. Serena jerks back from Klaus grip.

" You don't have to pretend like you care." Serena says rubbing the dust off her shoulders.

Klaus pulls Serena closer to him " I have never pretended to care for you because I have actually cared for you"

" I cared for you then and cares for you now. You want it or not, love . The only reason I compelled you was to keep you with me may be I did it wrongly but my intention was only to keep you safe." Klaus continued.

" Safe by making me a vampire?" She asks.

"No , safe by taking care of you.... by protecting you! The only reason I turned you into vampire ..... was to spend an eternity with you. I love you goddamn it." With that he kissed her with all the desire and passion he held within himself for years.

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