chapter 9

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Sorry for any mistakes ;)

Alaric, Jenna, Stefan,Elena, Serena and Elijah were in the living room.

"So you don't remember anything that happened?" Stefan asked Alaric.

"No, it's like I blacked out and woke up three days later and Katherine was there." Alaric said.

Serena is yet to meet Katherine but she pretty much don't like her already for the fact that she is the reason why Damon and Stefan are vampires in the first place.

Serena was lost thought in her when Elijah came close to her, lightly nudged her to join him outside the Salvatore house.

"What is it?" Serena asked Elijah when they were at safe distance from the house where no one could hear them.

"You and I both know, when Klaus wants something he gets it and there is no denying in that. I suggest you to tell both brothers the truth about your past..." Elijah said but she interrupted him.

"Wait, why? I mean I know I have to tell them but it can wait till tomorrow I am sure." She said.

"Well then in that case, I don't think you know Klaus so well.. because he will use all his cards to get Elena and anything he wants for the ritual. One of it would be shocking your friends by telling them your truth." He said.

She thought about what he said and she knew he was right she had to tell them one day so it would be better if they know the truth from her.

They both headed back to the house only to hear noises from upstairs. Elijah stayed where he was while Serena rushed upstairs only to be stopped in midway by Damon. Damon grabbed Serena's wrist and dragged her along with him.

"Well, it sounds like you won't be needing this anymore. Feeding her vampire blood rendered it useless." Elijah said to Damon keeping the elixir back into the wooden box.

"Tell Elena I'll back before nightfall. We'll proceed as planned." Elijah said to Serena.
She nodded and he left.

"Come lets go for a walk." Serena said.

They both left the house and reached near the ruins of old Salvatore house.

"You are not mad at me? I screwed up." Damon said kicking a rock.

"You did screw up. You know she might never forgive you and for a vampire .....never means a very long time." She said.

"I just wanted to protect her."Damon said taking sharp breaths.

"I know that but you just deprived her from choice to choose between her mortal and immortal life. You had a choice and you picked this life for you." Serena paused.

"Do you know what Stefan and I have in common? Why we stop you from taking decision for Elena?" She asked.

Damon looked at her and shook his head.

"He and I both were compelled when we were turned." She said. She felt a little weight got off her chest.

"You were comp-?" Damon asked only to be interrupted by Serena. Damon didn't knew anything about her past. He tried to ask her but she always changed the topic.

"Yes Damon, I was compelled and I didn't tell you anything about my past. I wanted to tell you everything but I don't know why but I waited for right time." She said.

"When I was eighteen, my father passed away due to tuberculosis. Back then who knew if it was a disease. After that Me, my mother and little brother Samuel, We were not that rich but we managed after my father's death. After around six to seven months my brother started to fall sick we were worried that we will lose him too. So I thought no matter what I had to protect them." She told him recalling her memories.

"One day when my brother was very sick I went out to buy some medicine for my Samuel. Who knew Satan was waiting for this moment, he compelled me to forget everything about family, friends.... He compelled me to love him. He compelled me to marry him and I did whatever he compelled me for." She said with the venom in her voice.

Damon was shocked by the what he was hearing he never knew she passed through all this misery. "I am so sorry. I had no idea about this" he said squeezing her shoulder lightly.

"I didn't tell you any of this how will you know. In fact I never told anyone about my past. Do you want to know who that Satan is?" She asked him.

Damon nodded his head.

"Niklaus Mikealson a.k.a Klaus!" There she said it.

"What? You mean this Klaus, the guy who is ruining Elena's life." Damon asked almost yelling at him.

"Yup the very same who already ruined my life." She said taking sharp breath.

"But... but you said you were compelled while turning, so you must have freed from his compulsion during your transition? " He asked.

"I was but as quickly as I was free I was compelled again to forget all the things I remembered! He is an original so you know he can compel vampires." She said.

Damon didn't reacted anything so Serena took it as her cue to continue.

"After he compelled me to forget about my family, he took me to New Orleans. For four years he kept me human. He turned me after our marriage. All that time I bloody thought I was in love with him because my mind was telling me that again and again. He just wanted me as his puppet to please him and to do as he said. He bloody kept me as his slave for 40 years." She felt tears flowing down her cheeks.

"How did you escape?" Damon asked.

"During our marriage, I met a witch called Tania. She and I became friends, she somehow came to know that I was compelled. She tried to give me vervain but it only stopped Niklaus from further compelling me. But I couldn't remember anything about my past."

"So when Niklaus went to do some business outside New Orleans, I went to Tania, she used her witchy juju to free me from his compulsion. Trust me, the pain was so much worse that I almost died from that pain. But somehow I managed to survive. Slowly and steadily everything came back to me. My memories ... my family whom I was forced to leave in state of misery." She cried and cried.

Damon hugged her and she cried in his embrace. He didn't stop her from crying. He knew she needed to let out her pain.

"Once I gained all the memories I decided to run away from him because I knew I was no match to him to put up a fight. But it was not easy to run away like that and to hide under his nose. So Tania helped me by covering my track. She was with me the whole time. It was just a year before I met you, when she died due to old age." She told him.

"If.... if you were running from Klaus, why are you still here? You could have gone..." He said.

"Well..." she wiped her tears "I could have but then how can I leave my friend here like this?"

"Awww... come here you Raccoon" he pulled her into tight bear hug and she giggled at his action.

They both pulled away when they sensed something or someone. They turned around to see blonde man with blue eyes, staring directly at Serena more like glaring at her.

She was stunned to see his face after so many years a face which she promised not to see again. Looking at Serena's discomfort, Damon stepped ahead.

"Ugh...Klaus, I presume" Damon said looking into those blue eyes.

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