chapter 3

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Sorry for the mistakes in advance.

Enjoy reading!

Stefan, Damon, Elena, Bonnie and Serena were in the living room.

"So we go to the dance, we find him." Damon said breaking the silence.

"Really? How are we going to do that? We don't even know what he looks like?" Stefan asked.

Except me Serena thought and said "Something tells me he is not going to be sixteen and pimply." Maybe that something is my past she sighed mentally.

Others agreed to her.

"He could be anywhere at any time. He compelled somebody at school." Stefan said and then he looked at Elena and Bonnie "I guess it's not as safe as you guys thought, huh?"

They were interrupted by a knock. Alaric/Klaus entered.

"There you are." Damon spoke when he saw Alaric.

"Sorry I am late." He apologized.

"Apology accepted,Ric." Serena winked at him.

He smiled at her.

"Hey I need you to put me and Rena down as a chaperone at the dance night. Klaus made his first move." Damon said.

"Okay, So we find him and then what, hmm? Whats our plan of attack?" Elena asked.

"Me. I am the plan. He has no idea how much power I channel. If you can find him, I will kill him." Bonnie said with confidence.

"That's not going to be that easy." Alaric said.

"Yeah, I mean he is the biggest, baddest vampire in town." Rena continued stressing more on the word 'Baddest'.

Perhaps if it was someone other than Serena, Klaus would have taken it as a compliment but those words coming from her was hurting him badly. Besides he had no clue why she left him.

"Rena has a point. I mean, what if..."Damon rushes towards Bonnie but she throws him on the other side of the room with her power, without touching him.

"Well, I am impressed." Stefan said acknowledging her powers.

"Me too." Serena said totally impressed by her power.

It pained Klaus to see Serena's participation in this plan. He would never hurt her yet she is willing to let him get killed.

Serena got dressed for the party and headed to Damon's room.

"Hola!" She walked in.

"Hey! Black or blue?" he held two shirts in front of him.

"Hmmm... Black. No matter even if I choose blue you would pick Black." she said popping herself on his bed.

He gave her his signature smirk "That's why I allowed you to choose."

"Listen Damon I need to tell you some-"

"Whatever it is Rena it has to wait. We need to focus on Mission Klaus. Let's go." He said.

"Yeah right. Let's go. Where is Elena and Stefan?" She asked.

"Upstairs." He said. They both headed upstairs.

"I love you" Elena said breaking the kiss.

"I want you to tell me that when the night's over" Stefan said kissing her again.

They weren't aware of the presence of Damon and Rena.

Rena saw Damon's expression changing.

"Any time tonight" Damon interrupted.

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