Chapter 17

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Serena POV

"So," I said taking a seat next to Niklaus who was throwing darts on Ray.

He turned towards me with a grin.

"What is your plan? Why torturing this poor wolf? What are you going to gain from him?"

"Well,love When your so called poor wolf will give me the location of his pack. I have wonderful treat for them which will make their life better." He said.

I couldn't control myself and I started laughing. Soon my laughter turned into a mocking laughter.

"What's so funny love?" He asked

"Oh , Niklaus the funny thing is you haven't changed a bit. Why do you think you can make people's any life better? Trust me from my experience and observing your siblings and few others clearly it states the opposite." I told him which made him clench his jaw.

" I don't think it's true-" before he could speak I interrupted.

" Shut up! You think if people act accordingly to your will their lives are better? Trust me Niklaus it isn't. The only person who will be happy is just you, Niklaus and no one else. You are taking away the most important thing from a person's life which makes him or her happy and a chance to be better is that person's freedom. I don't know what your future plans are? What you are going to do with those wolves ? But let me guess something tells me they are going to obey and follow your command. And They can't live they way they want." I paused only to see his expression. I felt like I hit the bull's eye and continued.

"Am I wrong Niklaus? Why don't you understand, let those people live their life you have no right to take away their freedom. You destroy their life and do nothing good. Why do you do this? Why?" I asked him.

All of a sudden I found myself above the floor and on the wall with Niklaus hand on my neck, blocking the air.

"You know nothing about me , so keep that mouth shut." He dropped his grip from my neck. I choked a bit and took slow breath.

"What is there to know about you Niklaus? A hybrid who loves to control people's life, who won't hesitate to kill a person even for a second. Who won't hesitate to drive stakes through his siblings heart and keep them in coffin because they don't follow you?" I spoke I don't know from where I was getting this guts to speak him such things but I did. May be I have been waiting for this moment and I know one thing for sure that I was ready for whatever the consequences about to come.

But I was not ready for what was happening in front of me. There he was the big bad hybrid who is feared by everyone on his knees and his hands covering his face.

"Speak no more love. Please I beg more .. hatred from you." He said tears after tears coming from his eyes on the floor. I kneed down beside him and made him look at me " Hatred Niklaus? I don't think I feel anything for you except for pitying over you. I hated you, no wait loathed you for taking me with you without my consent, for separating me from my family when they needed me the most. I stepped out of my house that winter night not to roam around but to get some medicines for my brother Niklaus! do you know what happened to them after you took me? Even I don't know what happened and that's..." My voice started to stutter " that's the worst part. I couldn't even find their graves. I have no clue what my mom and my little brother must have suffered. But what do you know about family who keeps his family in coffins, right?"

" Serena your fam-" he started to speak.

"Stop it Niklaus." I got up and wiped my tears that kept flowing " I am done with you. Whatever you want to do with him, finish it up quickly. I am there out" with that I vamp sped out of the bar.


I know it's kind of short but it had to be done so.

keep voting and keep reading. Have a great day :)

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