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To be one of them was to be forced into darkness or hunted for any small flaw. Once an almighty, powerful, and loved kingdom, now long forgotten and hated. It's only strength that now remained; faith and courage.

The kingdom of Awetony was once ruled by a loving king, Unantis, and his son Flyte. Their beginning was never known nor recorded and their battle against the now overpowering Legiance of Goldous was hoping never to be defeated. One by one, the shining peoples of Awetony were lured to Goldous' side and their light extinguished, never to return. Those who remained were the strongest. Their light blinding those against them but filling hearts and souls who were like them, and rejoiced with them with love and warmth until they too, had a glow of their own. This was their true identity. A character of humble care. Why this was despised so, nobody could understand. It started with rebellion and continued with rebellion. This is a story of light and it all begins with Taseaya.

Walking through a part of the kingdom I have never been to before, the looks I receive do not surprise me. Yes, I glow a blue light, an aurora of cool water unlike the rest who have a pure white light. Why, I just don't know. It's as big a mystery to me as it is to all who spot me in the streets and valleys of Awetony. But, I like my blue light. I like to be different... in a good way I hope.

"Good morning Mrs.Woods, I didn't expect to see you here." My eyes lock on an older lady, around the age of 60 who runs a bakery just around the corner from my house. Standing in the doorway to a grocery store to my right, and holding a bag of flower that seemed too large for her to hold without being able to see ahead of her, I jogged over to her and took it from her arms.

"Taseaya! I'm just buying some supplies I ran out of. You wouldn't want me to tell you I ran out of your favorite muffins now would you?" She replied with a wink of an eye.

Dreamily sniffing the air as if full of the scent of fresh bread I started towards the bakery alongside Mrs.Woods.

"Dark chocolate and strawberry muffins? Of course not!" I replied with a smile.

The way back to the bakery seemed to take a much shorter time than it should have. That's what being with Mrs.Woods was like, time flew by like a bird.

The day, about half past noon, was very sunny without a cloud in sight and a delicate breeze was carrying a scent of flowers, possibly roses and cookies, my way as we neared our destination. The thought of eating my favorite muffins momentarily made my head spin with delight.

"Put those eyes back in your head and shut that mouth of yours after that tongue gets back where it's supposed to be. You'll get your muffins soon enough." Mrs.Woods chuckled behind me as I ran ahead of her to the doors of the bakery.

Being the heart of Awetony, this part of the kingdom was never touched by Goldous so it was not surprising to see how beautifully the bakery appeared inside and out.

The petite, beige, square building with a red peaked roof had flowers lining all sides of all variety, including those roses I could smell a little while ago. Two large, arched windows stood tall next to a small wooden door decorated with intricate carved flowers in wood. The inside was a mix of mint and rose colors. Rose being the paint on the walls and accents of mint on the pine wood tables and chairs. The room inside was very open and clean. Delicious baked goods filled the glass covered shelving in the left corner of the room and the silky morning breeze continued through the open windows.

This was my favorite place to be.

"They'll be ready in just fifteen minutes Taseaya." Mrs. Woods stepped through the the back door behind the counter into the kitchen. I was just about to go admire the other treats when she stepped right back out again. "Silly me, Ill need that flour."

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