Unknowing Descent

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     Each trainee stood or knelt in a cluster encircling a sob of distraught that enveloped the walls in a veil of anxiety, dripping onto us from the ceilings. 

     Backs turned away from us facing the center, the sob warped into words "Close now! Too close!"

     "What's too close?" A gentle voice asked the young man. 

     "It's upon us! Left, right, everywhere! What to do! What do I do?" We hurried to see the face of the hurting man, curious about his shouts of a futuristic vision. There was no mistaking the confused words of helplessness; his vision must have been strong. 

     I reached up on my toes and looked over several heads to finally glimpse who experienced the vision. I had never seen him before. Hunched over on a chair with his head curled towards his chest, his hands in his strawberry blonde hair, the fear was clear in his demeanor. Several hands rested on his shoulders and upper back in comfort as it was often done towards those who suffered a serious vision. One girls hand suddenly became decorated in bright veins of a neon green pulsing glow, she was providing a peaceful comfort to him through her abilities as best as she could; her eyes rested closed in concentration. 

     After several moments of heavy breathing that then diminished into softer deep breaths he stood and lifted his heavy violet eyes. Naturally a dark coral purple. "Shadows." He said, exasperated and breathless but strict. My heart skipped a beat and Nixon's caring hand came to rest on my shoulder. "They're about to take hostage a town in the South. By force. Not by willing rebel Awetonians. They- they're going to make them use their powers over us. I saw their glows disappear.  They will have more Shadow soldiers." He let his head fall and his shoulders took a long ragged breath. 

     "Peace friends! We shall send forces to prevent what has been seen! Please, whoever would like to volunteer inform me soon. I shall await in the foyer."  Flyte stood in the doorway tall and peaceful; very unlike the situation we were all in. His warm eyes scanned our faces with a reassuring smile and then turned to exit the lunchroom to the front entrance. Through the stone archway we could see our Prince take a seat on one of the lowest stairs.

     This was the chance I could take to find the Flame. The girl with the answers I craved.

     "I'm going." I stated simply, looking up at Nixon and heading straight towards Flyte. I had only taken a step when a careful hand on my shoulder stopped me in my tracks. Everyone had dispersed to their tables to resume their meals and think about Flyte's offer if they haven't already lined up at his feet. The purple-eyed young man now sat among others at his breakfast table with the arm of the girl who helped him bring him to a relaxed state resting around his shoulders. 

     I placed my eyes on Nixon's and the worry I saw there struck me into a curious fascination "My Taseaya it would hurt me to see you injured or killed. I would rather you not go. You are strong, resilient, but I can't help but see the worse occur." 

     I placed my hands just above his elbows and replied "Nixon I have to tell you something. You... might not like it." 


     We sat on the edge of my bed , locked in my quiet room. I had told him what I had heard from Aria and then my Grandmother the night of the ball and he took it in stride. The worry I saw in his eyes before never left but slowly I noticed my reflection of courage grow onto him as I spoke and explained how much it would mean for me to make my way to the front lines and into enemy territory. 

     "I'm going with you." His knees bumped into mine ever so slightly. 

     "I don't want to endanger you too Nixon." I said softly but sternly hoping for him to understand. But yet.. I also hoped for a companion that would aid me in my venture if only he could stay safe. 

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