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      As the training session began we found ourselves in a circle surrounding Flyte and several instructors who specialized in different abilities. We were told that new members would be assigned an instructor based on our powers and that they would then become our "Captain" as we should call them. There were five instructors in all. Throughout the short introduction a rather tall, slim women with strikingly black, long, straight hair kept glancing at me. She stood among the instructors with a smile on her face as she acknowledged the crowd with keen eyes. After Flyte had finished his welcome speech to the new recruits we all went our separate ways; the members of Sun that had been here for a while heading to their captains and immediately taking part in their practices. 

     Knowing that Seata and Landar had the same abilities I wasn't surprised to spot them in a crowded corner where their instructor was setting an example of their next exercise using a boulder from the mound piled up against the wall.  Flyte strode towards us with a good-natured smile; the black haired women beside him and a group of trainees trailing behind them both. 

     The prince greeted us both "Taseaya, Skye. This is Nazana, your Captain. She specializes in mimicry, duplication, manipulation, phasing, and shapeshifting. Now I understand you don't have an ability as of yet however Skye, you do have capabilities that would be helpful among us. Your knowledge on marine life is spectacular and you have been successful at your role as Guardian. Please do stay with us as we train for you can help coach Taseaya." he encouraged before turning to me.

     "And Taseaya, I understand that your powers have fully awakened. How is that going for you?" Flyte inquired. 

     "Your majesty!" I started with surprise "How did you know?"

     "That is not important my friend." He reassured.

     "Well , to be honest I don't really know what to say. It is going neither good nor bad for me. But thank you for your concern on the matter. Oh and Nazana it is nice to meet you." I smiled in response.

     "And you as well." She responded with a small bow.

     "Thank you your highness. It will be an honor to continue to work for the kingdom here on the training grounds." Skye avowed. 

    "I will let you get to work. Never be hesitant to talk to me. I am here to participate and help you advance." With a slight bow Flyte turned to accompany other groups.

     Among the thirty or so trainees within or group, we followed Nazana towards the far side of the room nearest the pool. We encircled her once more as she spoke "You know the drill! Mimicry , along the wall! Focus on the figures of each animal in turn. Remember to be clear about their abilities and morph your own body with those techniques in mind. Use the climbing posts as you please to test yourselves!"

     With a curt nod she continued "Those who manipulate! Pair yourselves with a student who mimics. As they climb they need a safety net. That is where you come along! Focus your energy and create a webbing in your mind that you then transfer into reality. Use the items around you. Help them as best you can!"

     Yet again she turned towards two others within our group and commanded "Duplicators! Station yourselves in front of the mirrors. Make your image another copy beside you. Once you do this five times come see me I will give you your next task!"

     Without hesitation and with increasing power to her voice she added "Phasers! Follow the stairs below us to the obstacle course. Pass straight through the barriers of different matters and come see me once your done. Don't leave anyone behind! We don't want any incidents reoccurring! And finally! Shapeshifters! Choose anyone within the room. Study the way they move, behave, and become them. Last week we focused on animals. This week we look towards our peers! Don't SCREW UP!" The older women finished her orders with a sharp nod; her hair bouncing in place,her bright glow illuminating the students around her. She looked to Skye and I.

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