The Mission

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Before I could react, the attacker had already pulled me against him or herself and brought a hand across my mouth. turning my scream of surprise into a quiet muffle. I tried to pry out of the arms that held me securely in place but it was no use. I couldn't possibly imagine what would happen to be next.

Suddenly a surprisingly soft yet stern voice came from my attacker.

"Trust me, I'm not here to harm you, I'm here to protect you from a greater danger." The stranger loosened his grip and spoke again.

"I'll let you go if you promise me you won't run away or make a sound."

I tried to nod and succeeded but with great difficulty. The hold on me loosened again, slowly releasing me from it's grasp. I turned to face a tall, dark haired boy who looked about my age , maybe slightly older. His face was angular and well defined as he peered down at me , his expression serious. The eyes that looked at mine were the darkest blue I had ever seen in my life. They had a mysterious appearance that shot questions though my mind. He was impossibly handsome.

I opened my mouth to say something to him but it would have been much more helpful if only my mind didn't go blank. My face burned a crimson red and I hoped it didn't show though my glow.

"We mustn't wait any longer."

I haven't noticed he was holding a long dark material in one hand until he swiftly swooped it over my shoulders and buttoned it under my chin.

" This will hide your glow or at least make it more subtle."

His hands reached behind my shoulders and drew up a hood that drooped over my forehead.

"Keep your head low for now and follow me." He started to turn.


"Shh!" He hissed at me, eyes narrowing. "I'll explain later now hurry."

I wanted to say that I didn't know him,that I couldn't trust him right away, but weaving through the trees heading farther and farther from my home with every stride, I couldn't explain how familiar this stranger appeared to me, especially from behind as I trailed near him. My instincts told me to follow him but my brain told me to run to the comforts of my home where I knew I would be safe.

After a while of heading back through the forest, legs aching, heart pounding, and lungs burning, we reached the edge of the Valley where we slipped through a wide opening in the fence and entered into a library through it's back door.

The inside was warm and quiet with a cozy feel to it that welcomed me into its comfortable environment.

My handsome acquaintance dragged me to the center checkout counter where an older man greeted us with aging grey eyes.

"Good evening Skye. We have just received a donation of several new books on the subjects of aquatic plants and their healing properties. I saved one that appeared of most interest to you knowing that you order those quite frequently. You look rushed, is there something I can help you with?"

Skye leaned towards the man, resting his elbows on the wooden counter-top. His voice came out quiet, strong , and concerned.

"They're here."

The mean's eyes widened, a look of concern crossed over his face making the wrinkles on his forehead much more defined. He rushed us behind the counter and pointed to a trap door beneath a small table; an iron handle sticking out from the side of a round carpet.

"It'll be safe there for now. There's enough supplies to last a day and if you need out, follow the tunnels and keep to the left." The man started moving the table aside as I spoke up.

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