A Start

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     I was wrong. I had mistaken the flames as those that could sear away flesh in seconds but these only gave me a growth of hope. The wall of fire breezed past me and all those circling Harquil and left embers shimmering down onto us from their suspension in the air. It would have been a beautiful sight were it not for the Shadows in our midst. 

     Flyte began to rise. Arms extended straight outwards , head tilted up to look at the shining sky, he rose above our battling forces. He glowed more intensely than the Sun itself and yet it did not pierce my eyes with its strength. Nixon grunted in surprise and some of the rebels and Sun soldiers did not notice what was happening from the outskirts of it all. They fought relentlessly in their blind rage. Flyte's body suddenly seemed to be absorbing this light that escaped from Harquil who disappeared although the flames she shot out were still present. 

     A Shadow neared the Prince's floating body and when the power of control over Flyte didn't work he threw a broken metal rod up at him which sliced open his side. At once, the light of the girl with the flame that he had absorbed began to pour out of the wound. Without a word Flyte looked down at us all and smiled as the golden light like jewels in a sunrise then shimmered in his eyes and streamed out of his hands and feet. 

     When this light, transformed into something of pure crashing waves of intensity passed over us again I found myself standing upright on dry ground. The light passed over everyone but me. 

     I looked down at my scraped and bruised arms and legs to find blinking shimmers of the embers that were present around us before lingering on my skin, scattered like the stars among my own aquamarine glow. I looked up to find that Flyte was gone. His gentle and powerfully loving smile still engraved behind my eyelids at every blink. 

     "He- he was right there. Where did he go?" A tired voice rang out in desperation from among the Sun soldiers. A rebel lunged and grabbed hold of his unsuspecting body, tugging his arms behind his back as the women sneered at me with a smile very unlike that of Flytes; vicious and snarling with true vengeance and lust in her murky eyes. 

     With this example, some of the other rebels followed suite before any actions could be thought up of in defense.

     Nixon's powerful hind legs catapulted him over to the nearest rebel  before they could get a hand on one of our own and Lada took a running start to get between myself and a Shadow who showed sudden interest in restraining me not too far away. She tackled him to the dry stone ground and I jumped to collide shoulder to shoulder with another rebel who took a  stance ready to take on Skye who was too busy keeping an eye on three other Shadows who cursed at him , ready to fight fist to fist. 

     All in a matter of seconds , the fight resumed but hesitation and confusion swept over the faces of the Shadow army. But why was that? 

     With no moments to spare I relied on my strength and hand to hand combat training with the rebels who decided I was the victim of their next capture. Shifting light on my feet  I dodged, spun and kicked out with my free leg  , spinning and knocking my next opponent to the ground. 

     Panting , my fists raised up and guarded, I searched to defend myself from all sides but I was free for a moment. The Sun soldiers had packed together for the most part, fighting in unison against the Shadows. In the corner of my vision I spotted movement where a lengthy building ended, far from where the fight was commencing. At the sight of their glows I  was relieved that they weren't added forces from the rebel side. But panic struck my chest, gripping my lungs, when I realized how visible they were in their desperate need of survival. They ran like frantic ants to another exit on the opposite side of the small town square. Didn't Flyte warn them to stay hidden? 

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