A Hint

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    Later on, when Mrs. Misten received Skye's explanation as to why I was soaking wet and she had given me yet another outfit to wear for the time being; dark jean shorts and a loose t-shirt, as she hung the other outfit to dry, Skye led the way to the front living room.  

    I stepped through the archway to the large open room as Skye swooped one arm towards the girl sitting on the couch before us, as if presenting me to the visitor. 

    I stopped before the coffee table which separated me from her and watched her bronze eyes rise to my level. She brushed platinum blonde hair from her eyes and spoke, her high voice a melody within the space around us. 

    "My name is Aria, one of the many messengers of Unantis. It is my greatest pleasure to announce that you, most beautiful Taseaya , have been invited to take place among many good willed soldiers in the Army of Awetony." A slight pause and my mind raced with thoughts; do I really want this? Or would I prefer a peaceful life like Mrs. Woods has? I have been expecting this for the past year but there is always a possibility of death in a soldiers life . Aria Continued.

    "If you accept you may withdraw at any moment."

    I Interrupted "What is it like? Could you share?"

    A smile crept up on Aria's face that reached her eyes. "Awesome. Amazing. But then again I enjoy challenges so this opinion really only goes for me."

    Skye spoke up "But aren't you only a messenger?"

    "There are many roles to take part within this army." Aria said "When we are sent on a mission, I inform all of our soldiers messages from our King and messages from our soldiers to the King, or back and forth between groups of our army about our next step or dangers ahead of us." Aria's face lit up in pride. "We call ourselves The Sun."

    "Skye whispered so quietly I, standing a step away barely caught what he said ".. stupid"

    "So not stupid." Aria said.

    "How did-?" Skye asked.

    "Don't forget, I am only a part of Sun because I have powers and faith towards our glorious kingdom."

    "Superhearing?" I asked.

    "Not only." Aria said with a crooked , pretty smirk. "Now come along, we have no time to waste, unless of course you decline the offer?" Aria asked with a polite nod. 

    "Could I have a minute?" I took hold of Skye's elbow and dragged him back to the kitchen before Aria had a chance to respond. 

    "You know , I'll still be able to hear you!" Aria called form her place in the living room.

    "Whatever!" I responded and looked Skye right into his eyes. "What do I do?"

    "It's your choice Taseaya. I-"

    "Look, I don't have enough faith in myself to know if I can do this. But you've been stalking me long enough to know me. To know what I'm capable of. Do I, or do I not do this?"

    After a short pause and a gentle look of thought passed over Skye's elegant face he answered, taking hold of my shoulders with a soft and confident grasp. "You are all confidence. Your walk screams greatness, your voice shows concern. Your climb... your climb Taseaya shouts power and your glow cheers everyone's names." His face drew closer to mine , so close his breath swept across my lips. " I believe in you and I KNOW you can do this- huh?" A shimmer of Skye's skin caught our attention. It took a moment but then a look of understanding crossed our faces. 

    "Your glow Skye! It's so much brighter!" I exclaimed and took a step away from his arms to get a better look. Arms outstretched his eyes sparkled as his body gradually and slightly shone brighter and with more confidence than before.

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