Secret Behaviours

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    The carriage itself was drab; a raining cloud in the night sky compared to the average vehicle I've seen on a daily basis. It made an odd clicking sound every few seconds that I could only guess was a nick in one of the wooden wheels we rode upon. 

     "Bumpy ride huh?" Skye said , peeking his head out the small rectangular opening in the door that served as a "window".

     "Did I fail to mention that we would be riding a shack on wheels? Sorry." Aria replied with a shrug and a sigh as she fell back into her seat in a lazy fashion.

     "Are we going to the training grounds to see the King or to rebel grounds?" Skye said with humor and bumped his knee against mine as the carriage rode over a bump in the rode.

     "Yes Aria, I'm curious. Why this? Shouldn't the King have something more...shiny to use for the people in his court?" I asked as Skye chuckled beside me in response. 

    "Well, you see, normally Unantis would send a nicer car or carriage to transport his visitors but in your case, seeing as you're abnormally famous among the wrong people we need to keep hidden. What better way to do so than by riding around in one of these? " Aria replied gesturing to her bland surroundings. 

    The carriage turned onto a side rode, passing from the semi-smooth brick laid street in the center of Awetony to a dirt path. The carriage lurched precariously to one side as it turned and I felt myself sliding from my side of the seat to the other right onto Skye who had his tanned cheek squished right up against the interior of our ride. In a matter of a second I had fallen onto my guardian; my cheek now against his. The door we had fallen on suddenly opened and although the carriage was once again upright, the momentum of my slide had me continuing straight out the door and onto the moving path beneath us. I squeaked in surprise as my upper body slid out the carriage but I was caught around the waist and back into Skye's lap  before any damage could be done. 

     Aria, who had managed to stay seated by holding onto the bottom of her bench reached over and slammed the door shut as I breathed heavily , trying to gain my composer with wide eyes. I blushed , realizing that I was being held , princess style, in Skye's arms, as he brushed long strands of golden hair out of my eyes and peered at me beneath his tousled dark hair. Gently but surely he placed me back beside him and smiled seeing that I was okay.

     There was a long stretch of awkward silence as Aria looked from Skye to myself and back again until her lips spread into a mischievous grin "I ship you." She said and then gazed back out at the passing land once again.

     "Huh?" Skye and I said in unison.

     Aria's bronze gaze swept over to us once more "Never mind. We're almost there so please, I ask that you act proper around your new team mates. Don't go looking for trouble, I'm sure it will find us eventually. Just follow the guide that will introduce themselves to you and all shall be well." 

     As we continued on for the remainder of the ride I couldn't help but peek at Skye. His frame, well built but not too large, was angled towards the center of the carriage although he watched the scenery go by outside. I didn't fail to notice that his hand rested on the door handle , his arm flexed , keeping the door shut. His other arm closest to me rested right between us. His stance was ready for any danger, especially that of the rickety door opening and my falling out of our moving shack. I helplessly let a small smile creep onto my face and joined in on watching a forest of ancient trees go by. 

     The journey to the training grounds took longer than expected as we arrived right after sunset. Stepping out into the cool night breeze, our glows illuminated the towering brick wall before us. All was silent as we neared the curved wooden double doors. Tall and skinny windows in the building above the ground floor suddenly revealed a bright glow that traveled the width of the enclosure. A joyful shriek echoed around us as a second glow followed the first and the tail of a large serpent followed the first two.  

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