More Than Imagined

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     "Hold still m'lady. Please!" The young girl-just a few years older than myself-pleaded.

     Flar tugged at the back of my dress, attempting to secure the silk buttons into place once more. The torso of the dress fit around my waist like a second skin. Flat, stiff rods sewed in intervals on the inside of the fabric helped create the illusion of a corset without the pain of one. There was no room for privacy when she entered my room, immediately ordering that I strip out of my clothes leaving me only in my underclothing. I kept my arms closed over my upper body but that only led to my temporary servant shooing them out of the way so that she could double check my measurements before putting my dress on. So here I stood, being dressed in a gown for the Ball. 

     "I'm not used to this." I replied , holding my hair up over my head to allow Flar to work on my dress. 

     "You are getting the treatment you deserve. There is nothing to be ashamed of and you will enjoy it." She straightened, hands on her hips, looking at the finished product of having put together the back of the gown "I guarantee it." 

     I smiled, a flurry of daydreams dancing in my mind, and spoke over my shoulder "I've always wanted to be invited to a ball."

     "That's the spirit! Now, don't look just yet, we need to do your hair and makeup." Flar rushed on, hurrying me to sit at my desk where she had placed an orderly collection of products when she first arrived. "We only have another three hours!" 

     "Three hours?! How long will this take?" I asked in surprise, my head snapping in Flar's direction.

     She merely waved my commotion away with one hand as she prepared brushes in another, looking only down at her work. She shook her head "It would take me three hours on the dot if you didn't fidget as you do m'lady. I must beg your pardon but I'll need you to stay still and stay quiet....please."

     And so went my afternoon being stroked and poked about my face, trying not to blink or grimace when makeup was applied near my eyes. My hair was another story. Being tugged and sprayed left my scalp sore but I could barely resist the temptation of having my image revealed by running over to the full length mirror. Therefore it was all worth it.

     "Open." Flar said in a soft hushed tone.

     I opened my eyes to reveal a young adult of a women enveloped in a sparkling midnight blue gown that fell to her toes in tulle and silk, the back dragging slightly on the ground. A "v" shape made up the bottom of the corset-like top allowing the silk and tulle material to cascade out and down in a waterfall. Her collarbones were exposed from the squared neckline that continued on to off the shoulder, quarter-length sleeves. The sleeves themselves wove around the girls arms in a translucent material. Atop the translucent material was a pattern of more midnight blue that ran down her arms in a pattern of swirls and waves adorned with the perfect amount of small crystals that shone brightly even in the dimmed room. Her aqua glow complete the shimmer that showed its appearance with slight movements of the dress.

     What captivated me most was the girls face. Her hair ran down in perfect waves resting on her shoulders and down her back. Strands nearest her face were pulled back so that only two strands hung loosely by her ears and down the front of her torso. Aquamarine studs twinkled on her ears and a black velvet choker decorated her long neck, also holding a single matching stone. Simple black pumps placed on her feet gave her height but didn't take away any attention from the girls gorgeous features.

     Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks as I watched the girl's reflection struggle to contain her emotions as well. 

     "Thank you." I murmured, afraid to speak louder in fear that I would start to cry.

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