Poor Little Rich Girl: 23

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I slept the for the rest of the day and didn't wake up until noon. I was still tired even then. I walked down the stairs after a quick shower and throwing on whatever I found which was some denim shorts and a plain thin blue top. I left my hair wet and shoved it in a bun, all I really wanted was some food.

I didn't see anyone on my way down and the kitchen was empty. Luke wasn't around and I didn't want to waste time in finding him to make me something when I could do it myself. I looked through the cupboards to see what was there.

It was just stocked with food that I'd never heard off or looked like it took a while to make, so I stuck to something easy and simple. Cereal.

The phone rang just as I was pouring in the milk.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Adalynn?" I automatically smiled.

"Hey Lyle."

"Hey. I've been trying to call your phone."

"Oh, it died on me yesterday. I must have forgotten to put it on charge last night. Sorry."

"So how's being back in Miami?"

"Good, I missed the weather." He laughed. "How are things back there?"

"Boring with out you. Although, Jen and Ross are official. Happened a few hours ago."

"Really? Well it's about time." I missed Lyle, he was a good friend and I found it easy to talk to him, I didn't have to be anyone else with him.

"I know. I saw your Granma yesterday after you left. She misses you already."

"Yeah, I spoke with her. She's coming to visit next month though, you guys should come soon as well."

"Yeah, I'll talk to the guys about it." I heard him yawn and laughed.

"What time is it over there anyway?" I asked glancing up at the clock on the wall.

"Late." He muttered.

"I'll let you go. I'll speak to you soon though."

"Ok, I leave you to enjoy your day in Miami while I'm all alone in cold old England." I rolled my eyes.

"Quit your whining." I laughed. "Bye Lyle."

"Bye Adalynn." I hung up and sat down at the dinner table.

"Well, look who finally woke up." Luke sang as he came through. "You even got your own food." He said and I looked down at my cereal.

"Its just cereal Luke." I laughed.

"How our little Adalynn has grown up." He had his hand over his chest where his heart is and wiped a pretend tear from his eye. I just rolled my eyes before shoving a spoonful of frosted flakes in my mouth.

"So, whats it been like while I was gone?" I asked once I'd swallowed.

"Boring. Interesting with your mother though." He said raising his eyebrows as he took a seat.

"I bet." I muttered this time with a mouthful of food.

"Just because your not a spoilt bitch anymore doesn't mean you can ignore basic manors." He said pulling a face at me. I just retorted by sticking my tongue out and then shoving in another spoonful chewing loudly. "I actually miss the old you."

"Yeah, yeah."

"So, did you met any cute boys in England?" He asked with a suspicious twinkle in his eye.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"What? Can't I know the gossip?" He said acting hurt.

"I met a few." I said shrugging and he grinned.

"Lyle?" He asked.

"He's just a friend." I pointed out.

"A little birdy told me he had a crush on you."

"Oh yeah? Who's the little birdy?"

"Gloria." I looked up at him. "She and your grandmother are very good friends so it seems."

"Of course." Nothing in my life was ever going to stay private.

"Well, as much as I'd love to stay and catch up, I have to help your mother in her study." I looked at him as he stood up from the table. It was going to take me a while to get used to my mum being actually being around.

He waved to me as he left and I got up to put my bowl in the sink. I wonder where everyone is? Did they go home or stay in a hotel?

I walked past the staircase, on my way back to my room, when I heard the screams and shouts. I paused and walked back two steps so I stood outside the door to the basement. Well, I think I found them.

I stopped about three steps up and looked at them all sat with their backs to me watching the screen in front of them intensely. Ryan was sat on the floor with a game controller in his hand, Levi was next to him by Melissa with his toys, on the sofa, Reese, Mike and Fiona had the remaining three controllers. Jazzy and Sammy were stood behind the sofa cheering them on.

"Come on Fiona!" Jazzy cheered fist punching the air.

"You're kicking their asses!" Sammy added.

"You've got to be kidding." Ryan muttered as he attempted to turn with the car on screen.

"How is she doing this?" Reese asked.

"YES!" Fiona stood up with her hands in the hair as winner came across the bottom left hand corner.

"Yay!" Jazzy and Sammy both jumped and cheered.

"Dude, you three just got beat by a girl." Melissa laughed.

"Whatever." Ryan muttered standing.

"I won!" Fiona screamed pleased with her self.

"Yeah, but don't forget who taught you!" Mike said standing up.

"What do you mean?" She acted innocent. "I'm a natural." She laughed and carried on cheering. It was like she'd never won anything in her life.

"Addy!" Levi yelled grinning over at me. Everyone paused in their excitement/depression to look over at me.

"I won!" Fiona said bouncing over to me. "Can you believe it?! I beat three guys on a game they've been playing for years and I've only been playing for a couple of months!" She said overly excited.

"Yeah, I could hear that." I said nodding.

"Beginners Luck." Reese said and Fiona stopped jumping.

"Your all just moody because I, a girl, beat your asses."

"Oh please, we'd beat you next time." Mike said and Fiona crossed her arms.

"Care for a rematch? I mean, if you don't mind losing twice." He glared but smiled at her.

"Bring it."

"Addy, you in?" Fiona asked jumping over the sofa.

"Oh no, I've got a few things to go over but hey, I hope you beat them." I said and she stuck her thumb up as Ryan started a new game. I headed back up the stairs.

"Jazzy, take my place." I faintly heard Reese say.

"Okaaay," Her confused reply was the last thing I heard as I reached the top of the stairs. This house may not be as big as my other house but it was still big and I had no idea where my mums study room was.

 "Hey, Adalynn." I stopped and turned around to face Reese.

"What, did I forget something?" I asked confused.

"No, I was just wondering if we could....talk." He shrugged.

"Oh, right, yeah..sure." I mumbled. "Mm, living room?"

"My mum and Gloria are there."

"Right. Ok." I said. "We'll go to my room." I said and headed for the stairs.

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