Poor Little Rich Girl: 7

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"How was your first day of school sweetie? Did everyone treat you fairly?" Martha asked the second I stepped through the doorway.

"It was...entertaining." I said thinking back to how I managed to completely get under Reese's skin. I didn't see him again throughout the day so I asked Jazzy to give me lift back figuring neither Reese nor I wanted to be with in ten feet of each other.

"Mummy!" A small voice said coming from the kitchen.

"Oh, Adalynn! You haven't met my youngest son yet." Martha beamed while motioning me to follow her into the kitchen.

"Mummy! You promised me cookies!" I heard him say when Martha walked in.

"I know sweetie but first I want you to meet our guest." Martha beamed once again and I stepped into the kitchen where a small boy around the age of 4 sat alone at the kitchen table. He was a miniature version of Reese. Dark hair, those same striking blue eyes. The only difference, he was adorable! "Levi meet Adalynn."

"Hey Levi." I said waving at him.

"Hi." He muttered shyly and hid from my view.

"I'm sorry, he's shy at first but honestly, you'll be begging for peace when he gets used to you." Martha said stumbling as Levi pushed his way between her legs. "Where's Reese?"

"Well-" I started but was cut off by the front door slamming. Martha and I exchanged a quick look before turning around to come face to face with a glaring Reese.

"Where the hell were you?!" He asked clenching his jaw.

"I got a ride back with Jazzy." I shrugged not making a big deal about it.

"I waited for twenty minutes for you!" He shouted and took me by surprise, not that he had shouted but that he waited for me.

"You waited?" I asked smugly and he narrowed his eyes even more.

"I was meant to give you a ride back, and yes, I panicked ok?" He said running his hand through his hair frustrated.

"I'm sorry, but I figured it's be easier riding with Jazzy." He glared at me one last time before stomping out the room.

"Reesey mad." Levi said still hiding behind Martha's legs.

"Don't worry about him hunny, he'll cool off eventually." Martha said picking Levi up.

"I don't get it. One minute he hates me, making me clean out Rex-"

"Wait, you cleaned out Rex?" She asked shocked and I nodded.

"That damn boy. Rex is known for his..uh...temper. The only person who can get within five feet of him is Reese. And he just let you groom him?" She asked shocked.

"Yeah." I asked terrified. I cleaned out a freaking monster who could have done some serious damage to me and Reese just allowed me walk straight into it.

"Wow, sorry dear, carry on."

"Well, I, uh..." I stuttered still thinking about that evil horse. "Basically he's ruining my life, claiming I'm ruining his and then he's worrying about me?" I asked confused.

"Reese, well, he's been different ever since Carrie." Who the hell was Carrie? "He was so sweet and charming. A proper gentleman, but these past few months he's been more, detached from his emotions. And developed a huge disliking to people with more wealth then they can handle."

"And Carrie is?" I asked intrigued.

"You'll have to get him to explain."

"Easier said than done." I muttered sighing. "Well, I'm going for a shower and to do my homework."

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