Poor Little Rich Girl: 20

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"It started off with me being upset, then I learnt how to deal with my emotions and seeked attention which got me sent to Texas. There is where everything changed. I learnt how to be myself, I learnt how to have real friends, how to let someone in, to share my feelings, to have fun, to enjoy life and to love."

"So what changed?"

"What changed? Well, I realised that running isn't going to keep the bad things from catching up to you. I know that everything comes with a price and really you should fight for something if it means that much to you, don't let it go unless you have to."

"Did you fight?"

"No, I'm afraid I didn't. I carried on running. I got tired of fighting and standing up for myself when I didn't even know what I was standing up for anymore. You see, every story has two sides but most of the time only one of them is heard and sometimes that one isn't the truth. But when others believe it you stand no chance, they have already made up their mind so give them time and space and once the anger is gone, try again and maybe, just maybe they will listen to your side."

"Do you really believe that?"

"Yes. But that space of time could be minutes to hours to days and maybe even years. Nobody really knows."

"So why come here?"

"Because it's the only place where no one knows who I am, what I've done, the life I've been pretending to enjoy. I want to start fresh, on my own, being who I am. I don't have to pretend here, I don't have to keep up an act. I just get to be me."

"I'm so glad your the opposite of your mother dear." My granmother said hugging me.

"I missed you." I said hugging her back.

"Well, since your mother met your father, she hasn't contacted us a lot." She sighed. "It's a shame because we didn't get to see you as often as we would have liked."

"So it's ok me staying here?" I asked and pulled back.

"Of course. I wouldn't want it any other way. Oh sweetie, I have missed you." I smiled at the affection and love she was showing me. My mother never looked at me like this before and I liked having someone who cared for me like they were meant to.

Being here in England was better then I had ever thought it would have been. I started a new school, met new people and actually got the life I dreamed.

So why was I still sad?

Right, it's because I kept seeing Jazzy's face and Mike's in all the new people I met. I felt guilty and I missed them all.

Fiona was visiting in a few days, after I left, she got on a plane back home. Mike wasn't happy about it but he understood. Carrie went back as well. She didn't stick around once I left, she had done what she needed to do and left.

Now, she's taken my place at my old school with Rachel falling at her feet. Fiona tends to avoid them but she keeps in there group just so they don't make her life hell.

"Hey, Adalynn, you coming to study?" A girl from one of my classes called me as everyone started leaving the room. I smiled and nodded picking up my bag and books.

The people here were nice, no one judged, asked questions, you just became apart of their group. I fit right in but I still feel like I should be back in Texas. Oh well.

"Hey Adalynn."

"Hey Lyle." Lyle was the first guy I met, he showed me around and introduced me to his friends. He was nice, good looking and what every girl wanted around here.

"We're going ice skating after, you in?" He asked pulling me down to sit next to him.

"Sure, why not." I shrugged and he grinned.



"So is it a date?" My granma asked me as I checked out my outfit in the mirror.

"No, gran. It's friends spending time together....all of us." I added when she was about to ask another question.

"But he's a lovely guy. I know his parents." She pushed making me laugh.

"He is." I agreed.

"So, go for him." She said and I shook my head just as we heard the door bell ring. "Don't be long." She winked walking out the room. I shook my head before quickly giving myself another glance over. It would have to do.

"Here she is." I heard my gran say as I reached the front door.

"Hey guys." I smiled at the three of them including Lyle.

"Everyone else is meeting us there. Ready?" He asked and I nodded hugging my gran.

"Bye Gran." I whispered.

"Have fun." She said pushing me out the door.

The ice rink was cold, I was glad I wore my jumper and skinny jeans now.

"So, you moved from Texas?" Lyle asked as I helplessly gripped onto the sides. I couldn't get my blance at all.

"Yeah." I said catching my footing.

"Steady." He said catching my arm as well.

"Thanks." I muttered laughing. "I can't believe I've never done this before." I said enjoying myself even if I couldn't do it.

"Here." He said holding out his hands. I took them and he started skating backwards pulling me with him.

"Ahh," I squealed noticing I didn't have anything to hold onto if I fell.

"Relax." He laughed. "Just got with it. So, my cousin is getting married next month."

"Aw, thats great." I said smiling.

"Yeah, I need a date though." Oh. "I was wondering." He stopped skating causing me to stake into him. He gripped a hand around my waist to steady me. "If you'd be my date?"

Damn did I want to say yes. I didn't know why I wasn't allowing myself to say it. Some part of me felt like I would be cheating but cheating on who? I didn't want to lead him on either, thats just not fair. 

"Lyle. I'm sorry, I can't." I said and he let go of my waist but kept hold of my hands when I stumbled a bit.

"It's ok." He said forcing a smile.

"It's just, there was this guy before and I-"

"Love him?" He offered and I stumbled for words. Did I love Reese? "Look it's ok. Really, I would still like you to go though, as friends?" I hesitated. "Free foooooood." he sang and I nodded.

"As friends." I agreed and we started skating again.

Was I ever going to get over Reese. We didn't even date, it was just one night.

I got back later that night and walked into the house and called out to my granma.

"hello?" I called out.

"In here." She called back.

"You were right," I started, "But I couldn't do.......it." I said slowing down as I took in the extra people in the room.

Poor Little Rich GirlWhere stories live. Discover now