Poor Little Rich Girl: 2

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I hated this. I hate planes. I hate goodbyes. I hate my parents....ok, so maybe that was a bit harsh but I really dislike them right now. I still couldn't get over the fact that they sent me away...to Texas of all places! Couldn't I have gone to New York? Or Australia, Washington, L.A?!

What's even more frustrating is that they haven't even told me why I've been sent away. At first, I thought they were getting a divorce, what with all the arguing but Gloria told me it was much more then that and that my mum had been right when she said it was something to do with my father's company.


So here I am, stuck on a plane about the size of a row boat, on my way to Texas. I had said goodbyes to Gloria and Luke who both promised to come and visit. My mother had already left in the morning, no surprise there and my father is still currently....oh hell, I've lost track of where he is.

I didn't even have chance to say goodbye to Mason or my friends.

I didn't know anything about these people I was staying with. All my mother told me was that she met them in college and they were best friends before she made it big time with her fashion. All I know is that she lived with her husband and three children, on a farm. And I thought it couldn't get any worse. I would have been happy in Dallas, a beautiful city but no, they're sending me to the middle of nowhere.

"Good morning we will be arriving-"

Yeah, yeah. I thought as I readjusted myself in my seat. Ok, maybe it's not as bad as it sounds. I mean, who knows what could happen. New place, new people, new school....oh my god, why couldn't my mother have sent me to a private school?

"Ugh," I groaned into my hands and recieved some strange looks from the other passengers. "What?" I asked and they quickly adverted their gazes. Damn nosy people.

"Thank you for flying with-"

I walked off the plane, well, more like ran off the plane actually. Being thrown back and forth between strangers bodies had me gagging. I shuddered at the thought and walked down the steps. I stopped at the bottom and looked around, not knowing where I go from here.

"Huh?" I said to myself putting my hands on my hips. I looked around and saw green, lots and lots of it. Perfect, I am literally in the middle of nowhere. I wasn't a fan on the countryside, I'm much more of a city girl. Sighing, I looked down at my heels. I was wearing one of my favourite dresses that my granma brought for me last year before she died.

It was a pale blue summer dress, tight around the chest and then flowing until just below my mid thighs. People had given me weird looks when I boarded the plane, needless to say that I stood out like a clown in a business meeting. Everyone else was wearing worn out jeans or ugh...it was horrible, don't they have a mall here?

"Adalynn Prescott?" I turned at the sound of my name and saw a middle-aged women running up to me. Her dark brown hair flying behind her, she was smaller then me by a inch or so and as she got closer I could make out her striking blue eyes that were similar to my mothers only hers seemed more friendly.

"Um Ye-oh." I managed to get out before she hugged me. I hesitantly hugged her back, confused before she let me go.

"I've been waiting to meet you for weeks now." She beamed holding me at arms length.

"Weeks?" I asked in a small voice but she ignored me and continue gushing about how pleased she was to finally meet me. So, my mother had arranged this for weeks and I only got told about it yesterday?

"-make room for it." She finished as I snapped out of my thoughts. I smiled and nodded and hoped I hadn't just agreed to sign my life away, oh wait...did that yesterday. Mental roll of the eyes. "My daughter can't wait to meet you, she's 14 years old. You'll have to excuse my youngest son, he's always so hyper." She grinned while leading me over to an old truck.

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