Poor Little Rich Girl: 5

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"You seriously expect me to work with her?" I rolled my eyes as Reese followed his dad around the house complaining about having to work with me. It's not even like I wanted to work. Even the word just makes me sick.

"Reese, I'm not asking you anymore." Jack replied just outside his study. I stayed the other end of the hallway and leaned against the wall with my arms crossed against my chest.

"Fine but if she messes up. Not my fault." Jack just smiled before entering his office. I heard Reese sigh and turn around. He stopped when he noticed me standing there before sighing again and walking past me.

"Hey! It's not like I'm enjoying this either!" I shouted after him.

"Yes because god forbid you break a nail." Reese shouted mockingly as I stomped after him.

"I'll have you know that these nails cost 70 dollars." I said tucking my manicured nails into my fists before stretching my fingers out in front of me again.

"Unbelievable." He muttered while pulling on some...ew, really ugly shoes.

"You're seriously going out in them?" I asked looking at the yucky green coloured knee length plastic things he was wearing.

"They're called wellies and trust me Princess, your gunna need to wear them if you don't want that pretty little outfit of yours getting ruined." He said throwing some wellies at me.

"Ewwww." I slid one foot in. Ugh, they were horrible and what was worse was that they didn't even match my outfit. "This is disgusting." I muttered once they were both intact.

"Lets get this done with."

"Yes please, I need to buy a phone." I grumbled as I followed him out of the house and to the barn.

"Speaking of, why did you smash your phone?" He asked curiously.

"Cause.....Personal reasons, never liked the thing anyway." I said not about to get personal with him. Like he even cared anyway.

"Well, I'm surprised you don't have three other phones." I left my other two at home, not that I was going to tell him that. "Why are you here?"

"Well......No, ok. Stop asking me questions when you don't care, you made it pretty obvious that you don't like me." I huffed when actually, I didn't even know the answer myself.

"Whatever." He said while opening the barn doors. The smell, was awful and I dreaded to what I was going to find in there. "We don't have all day." He yelled from inside. Come Adalynn, suck it up. Don't. Be. A. Baby.

Horses, I hated these animals. Well, I didn't hate them but I was scared of them. Ever since Misty, my old horse, went crazy and threw me off him causing me to break my leg when I seven years old. Never again did I go near a horse.

"Come on Princess." Reese said from the other end. "We've got to clean out the stables and groom each horse." Each?

"H-how many are there?" I asked after jumping away from the horse that snorted in my face.

"Six. You do the three on your left, I'll do the right."

"But, I don't know how." I said sticking to the middle of the room where they seemed further away from me.

"Well, learn." Because that's a big help.

"Nah ah. I am not cleaning out....these things." I said waving my hand at them. Reese stopped and looked at me stood in the middle while keeping an eye of each horse surrounding me in case they managed to escape and come trample me.

Poor Little Rich GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora