Poor Little Rich Girl: 15

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So life sucked, then it got good, then sucked again and now....now it's in a mess. I'm not sure if left is right or right is left, is up still up or is up down....see...confusing. My mind was in a haze and I had no idea what I was doing, why I was doing it, well, I just wasn't thinking about anything.

The only thing running through my mind was that maybe someone other then Gloria and Luke actually cared about me.

Of course, I woke up the next morning, naked, with a arm slung over my waist. I turned around slowly and came face to face with Reese.

"Shit." I whispered. So much for someone actually caring for me. We got too caught up in the moment by the looks of things. "Shit." I said again and carefully slipped out of the bed while quickly throwing on my underwear.

I grabbed the first clothing I saw, which happened to be one of my long jumpers which came to mid thigh and I left. The clock on the wall told me that it was only 5am. It was going to be at least another 2 or 3 hours until everyone else started waking up.

I made myself a cup of coffee and curled up on the sofa knowing there was no way in hell I could go back to sleep now. I turned the TV on and left it on a rerun of Friends. I tried to focus but my thoughts kept going back to last night.

The moment Reese kissed me it was like all my worrys were out the door. It was nothing like what it was with Mason. Surprisingly it was more passionate, the way his hands left a warm feeling shooting through my body whenever he touched me.

Stop, stop, stop. I chanted to myself and sipped my coffee.

"Fuck thats hot." I cursed placing the mug on the table. After inspecting my tongue, I went back to watching TV, luckily for me, Joey Tribbiani was able to take my mind of Reese.


It was five episodes of friends later that the first person woke up.

"Hey." Jazzy said rubbing her eyes in the middle of the door way. "How long have you been up for?" She asked falling down and getting comfortable on the sofa.

"Not long." I shrugged.

"Sleep well?" She asked and I could hear the double meaning, did it go well with Reese.

"Surprisingly yeah." I sighed. "After arguing with him about the beds, we eventually sorted it out and fell asleep." I shrugged. "What's planned for today?" I asked changing subjects.

"I'm not sure. Ryan's the guy you wanna talk to." She yawn. "I love Friends." She said turning her attention to the TV.

Jazzy fell asleep again within five minutes and I was glad I wasn't sharing a room with her. For a small girl, she sure can snore.

"What the hell is that noise?" Fiona said with her hand rubbing her head.

"That." I said pointing towards Jazzy.

"Is she a lown mower in her dream or something?" She said shaking her head.

"Coffee?" I asked after realising that mine was empty.

"Please." She said following me into the Kitchen. "So, how did last night go?" She asked sitting at the small oak dining table.

"Well, the worst part of my night was the phone call I got off my mother." I said lifting myself up onto the counter.

"Shit, what did she say?" She asked eyes wide.

"Well, she knew I was in a cabin and that didn't go down with her. Then she said she'll get me out of here asap. Apparently it's clouding my mind or something." I sighed. "I have one week left, that means you too." She pouted.

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