Poor Little Rich Girl: 21

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I was having the same nightmare. The one where I was stood naked infront of thousands of people, well that was what it felt like any way.

I looked from Fiona who looked nervous to my mum who showed no emotion on her face whatsoever.

To top it off, Martha then came out of the Kitchen.

"W-what's going on?" I asked stepping back.

"Sweetie," My granmother said putting an arm around my shoulder. I glanced at my mum who looked down hiding her face. "You need to sit down."

She led me to the couch opposite my mum and Fiona, Martha stood behind them and gave me a sad warm smile. I didn't know what was going and I wasn't too sure if I wanted to find out.

"What is she doing here?" I asked looking at my mother who was avoiding eye contact with me.

"I think you two need a moment to talk." My granmother said standing up and taking Fiona and Martha with her. Once they left, the silence filled the room, neither of us knowing what to say.

"Your father was in accident." She broke the silence. I stared at her as she took a deep breath and looked up at me. "He didn't make it." She swallowed.

"When?" I asked.

"Last week."

"Last week?" I choked, while tears filled my eyes. "It's taken you a week to tell me this?" I said shaking my head, I should have expected it, she never tells me anything.

"You don't seem to upset for a girl who found out her father just died." She said glaring at me.

"You don't seem too upset either." I shot back at her. She raised her eyebrows at me but didn't say anything. The tears then spilled down my face. He was still my father no matter how absent he was in my life.

I sat back and started biting my thumb, preventing myself from saying everything on my mind. What I had on mind wasn't pleasant at all, I wanted to tell her how I felt all these years.

"I was upset. I loved your father." She said after moments of silence. "You aren't upset." She stated.

"I am. But he was only my father my blood. He didn't raise me, you didn't raise me. Gloria and Luke raised me, as far as I'm concerned they are my parents. Not you." I said gritting my teeth. "You know, all I ever wanted was for you to pay attention to me, to talk to me, take me out, ground me. What a normal mum would do.

"I had to turn into someone I wasn't, I tried spending so much money, I tried being the person you wanted me to be but it was never enough for you was it? Whatever I did, I did wrong in your eyes. I just, I wanted us to be a family, eat dinner together, to go out-"

"We went out." She tried to defend herself.

"Yes, but you always made sure there were camera's around. You think I wanted that life? I'd rather have nothing. I hated my life with you, thats why I moved here. All I ever wanted was for you to say you love me or that you were proud of me, instead, I got a nanny and two parents that I only saw once a month if I was lucky. I can't even remember the last time we were all in the same room as each other."


"I didn't get a childhood. When and if I have kids, I'm going to make sure they have a mother when they need one, a mother who will constantly show her love for them, they will have friends and a childhood they can remember and to look back smiling. I will make sure that I don't turn into you."

"Well," She said at loss for words.

"I'm sorry dad died, I am. I wish things could have been different." I said swallowing. "I'm not coming back with you."

"I gathered." She sighed actually showing some emotion. She looked sad and it confused me.

"I don't want to go back to that life. I can't." I choked.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me, I never used to be like this you know. I had a great childhood, I'm sorry I couldn't give you the same." She said standing up. "I hope one day we can start again."

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything at all. She smiled, shook her head and left. I smiled to myself after she walked out. I can finally let go of my old life, I said what needed to said and now it's over.

"You ok sweetheart?" My granmother said after hearing the front door shut.

"Perfect." I answered and then broke down into tears. She hugged me and soothed me until I was able to calm down and catch my breath.

"Hey." I heard Fiona say stepping into view.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You ok?" She concerned and I nodded. "Good. Carol has taken over. It's not good." She said rolling her eyes.

"Well, she only has a few more months left of school. She can enjoy while she has it." I laughed. "Hey, um, have you spoken to any of the guys lately?" I asked knowing she knew who I meant.

"Mike and Jazzy. Everyone's doing fine." She smiled.

"Reese?" I said swallowing hard.

"He's...moved on." She hesitated but answered truthly anyway. "It was hard for him, he was confused and then you left and he just lost it. He put it to the back of his mind and refused to talk about it to anyone."

"I feel horrible about it." I said putting my head in my hands.

"You shouldn't. You didn't do anything. Addy, I think it's time you did the same." I turned to look at her. "Move on with your life, you have the chance you've been waiting for your whole life. To start over. Go on a date, go to a party, do something." She urged.

"Ok. Just...who has he moved on with?" I asked not sure if I wanted to know the answer or not.

"Fliss." I laughed.

"No, no. Good for him." I said but she laughed with me.

"Hey Addy." Martha said sitting where my mum had. "Your mum came looking for you at ours, I thought I best come with her in the state she was in."

"What state?" I asked.

"Broken down into tears. Lasted for hours before she finally calmed down and turned into her usual robot self." She broke down?

"You would excuse me, I have something I need to do." I said and quickly exited to the kitchen. My granmother was holding the phone out to me like she knew what I came in to do.

"Call him." She smiled and I nodded.

I turned the phone over and over in my hand. It was simple, call him or don't.

Should I though?

Before I chickened out, I dialed in his number and waited for a response.

"Hello?" I heard his voice.


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