Poor Little Rich Girl: 12

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I stared at Fiona as she nervously shifted waiting for my reaction.

"I'm sorry, who?" I asked.

"Henry Catwick." She sighed. "You know, this might not have anything to do with-"

"Oh like you actually believe that." I said standing up and pacing my room. "She's had it out for me ever since we were five! Now she's getting Daddy to do her dirty work." I said pulling a face.

"Not long after you had gone, I heard Rachel on the phone to her." Fiona said stopping me in my tracks.

"Of course, they are perfectly matched. I'm surprised it took her this long to speak to her, then with me gone it would make it a whole lot easier." I said bitterly.

"Rachel never actually mentioned her though."

"I don't know what Carol has planned but I need to get back soon before she causes any real damage." I sighed rubbing a hand over my face,

"I don't know." Fiona shrugged and I turned to look at her. "I mean, this is probably what she wants right. She knows that if you found out it was her father pressing charges you'd go running back and she could blackmail you into anything she wanted."

"Ok and?" I asked not seeing her point.

"And, you know that they have no real prove of what they are accusing your father with. So, why not just wait for it to blow over. Don't do what they want you to." I thought about it.

"But I don't want to stay here Fiona. I may not be as bitchy but I still don't fit in here." I said sitting on the bed.

"Which is why I'm here." She grinned.

"Ok Fiona, firstly you have no clothes or anything, secondly your father-"

"Right, I'll call him now." She said bouncing over to her phone.

I lay down on my bed with an arm drapped  over my face.

Carol and I have never gotten along. She's goes to our rivalry school. Always trying to be better then the other. I thought I had heard the last of her last year when I drenched her in some alcohol in fancy glasses, at a party some guy was throwing.

Seems like she just keeps coming back. She hates how I'm always one level up from her, she gets a story in a magazine, I get the cover story. She a new pair of shoes, I got a new car. I didn't do it on purpose, trust me.

I got tired of the childish games a long time ago but she always brings out the worst in me. And now she's taking it way to far.

"He said it's fine." Fiona said happily.

"Really?" She nodded.

"Yup. He said I can stay here for as long as you need me."


"I told him you were in the middle of a crisis. He understands." I've always been jealous of the closeness she has with her family.

"Ok then. I'll run it by Martha." I said making a mental note of it.

"So, tell me. What's it like here?" She asked curious.

I told her everything from the beginning. About Reese, the party, Melissa.

"Wow. Who would have guessed that Texas would change you for the better?" She said at the end.

"I know." I sighed.

"Look, don't worry about Melissa ok. It's probably a stage in her teenage years. She'll pass through it." Fiona said comforting me.

"I hope so." I mumbled.

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