Poor Little Rich Girl: 4

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That was one word I could come up with to describe this party.

Other words? How about crowded, sweaty, smelly, loud, alcohol, horny teenagers.....not quite what I'm used too. After seeing a fight break lose, teenagers sucking face like no tomorrow, countless amount of guys hitting on me, glares from Reese and hearing people throw up in the bathroom I had just enough of this so called party.

One hour. That was how long I had lasted. Reese was right, I didn't fit, I couldn't join in their fun, this wasn't my scene, not what I'm used. Maybe I'm setting myself up for too much too quickly.

"Adalynn!" I groaned when I my hand was so close to touching the handle of the door. Sighing, I turned around to come face to face with Reese's friend Mike.

"Mike." I greeted and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Where you going?" He didn't slur like the other guys who had came up to talk to me so I knew he was at least half sober.

"I'm going back." I stated.

"The party just started! Stick around, have a drink, loosen up a bit." He grinned and I shook my head.

"No thank you. I should really be going." I smiled and went for the door handle again.

"Come on stay." He insisted and I raised my eyebrow.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Weeeeell...Reese and I may have made a bet about how long you'd be able to last. So far you've been hear for 58 minutes and counting."

"You've been counting?" I asked frowning.

"Look, You stay for longer then an hour and he owes me 20. You have a alcoholic drink, he owes me an extra 30." He said smirking.

"So if I stay for two more minutes and have one alcoholic drink, I can leave and Reese owes you 50?" I asked and Mike nodded. "Count me in." I smiled but inside I winced. I'd never really drank alcohol before, sure I've had champagne but this? Na ah.

He grinned and held out his hand. When I didn't take it he raised his eyebrows in almost a daring way, gritting my teeth, I took his hand. He smiled and led me to the room where we first began, the dining room.

Reese was in there, talking to some blonde girl that had her hands placed on his arms in a flirty manor while he just gave her that one million dollar smile. Ah, the alcohol doesn't sound so bad now. Mike pulled me through the slight crowd to wear a the table was with plastic cups and bottles of....who knows what was inside there.

"Ok, here." Mike said and handed me a red plastic cup. I grimace when I smelt it and looked at the clear liquid.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Vodka." He answered smiling. I was about to put the cup down when I caught Reese watching me with a blank expression. Smiling and raising my cup to him, I necked it back.

The liquid burnt my throat and it took all I had not to grimace when I swallowed. I put the cup down and looked at the clock on the far wall. I'd been here for one hour and five minutes. My work here is done.

"I believe you won a bet." I said to smiling Mike.

"I believe I have. Well, Adalynn, I didn't think you had it in you. Maybe Reese was wrong about you, see you at school." He grinned before walking off.

"I'm full of surprises." I muttered and started to walk back, hoping I knew what way to go.

I made it outside this time without anyone stopping me and paused when I reached the end of the driveway. Which way did we come from again? Tilting my head back and closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath.

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