Ziam and Zitties // Niall (10)

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So I'm positive "Zitties" is going to be a fetus joke in 2017 haha. I've seen so much of it today, zayn's new Instagram photos is wow *heart eyes*

Here's yet another chapter! It'll include some Ziam so... ;) I hope you enjoy Ziam shippers. It won't be to major, just some obsessive Liam xD ! And some snoopy Niall.


[Diary of a Larry shipper: chapter 9// Niall]

"Great Harry, just great," I said sarcastically as he was pulling me away from where Liam and Louis stayed, "I was literally having a normal evening with Liam, and I mean NORMAL. No fans were after us, we were out lowkey, but no! You had to come snatch me away!"

"Oh I'm the mean one here?" Harry asked me surprisedly, "I'm positive a few minutes ago you were the one who yelled at me to shut up!" He pouted

"I wasn't the only one." I said.

"I'm sorry..." He said, "I guess I'm just angry you two ruined my bonding time with Louis..."

"Trust me," I told him, "I'm honestly very sorry too. I didn't mean to disrupt you two."

"It's alright." He looked back towards where the park was when we reached the hotel, "I wonder if Louis and Liam stayed."

"Knowing them, they probably did. They're also probably arguing at this moment." I told him.

He made an amused face and said, " I wouldn't be surprised."

"Yeah well me neither." I said.

When we reached our suite he said, "Thanks for walking back with me Niall... Even if you didn't want to."

I laughed, "Hey what are best friends for!"

"Well, I'm going to go shower now, you know. I gotta keep this hair conditioned and beautiful." He said leaving towards the bathroom.

I went back to mine and Louis' room, at first I just relaxed and thought about life, then it got depressing, so I got up and looked through my drawer. I felt like it was time to rant to my diary again.

Hey diary! It's been a couple days! But I'm back. I've been okay. Liam wants me to help him out with getting Louis and Harry together. I'm not sure about though. I feel like we're just going to ruin everything instead of help :/ but I really do want them together. I really do!

I am the dark larrie of course.

I stopped writing, someone was knocking at my door. I quickly threw my diary in my drawer.

"Yes? Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me Neil!"  Louis answered, "Liam and I bought Nando's. By the way, you locked the door, and friendly reminder that this is my room too mate. Unless you know, you were repeating the Japan incident!"

I blushed really hard at that. In 2013 while we were visiting Japan, they may or may not have released a news story about me wanking off in a hotel. I could practically hear and see him smirking outside the door.

"No shut up!" I yelled as I opened the door.

He smirked even more, "Well you look clean so I'll believe you."

I rolled my eyes and we both went to go eat. While eating, Liam's phone vibrated really loudly.

Harry's eyebrows perked up, "That sounds like an Instagram, now I don't stalk you or anything but why would you have that? You only follow....nevermind."

Diary of a Larry Shipper [Larry]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن