Marines Again?!?!

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Luffy's P.O.V.

"NAMI! Are we there yet?" I ask.

"No you idiot! You're sitting on the mast! Can't you see we're at least ten minutes away from docking?!"


Nami doesn't say anything, so I just smile out at the sea again. That island looks so cool! It's all green and pretty-looking. Nami says we have to go here because we're low on supplies, but I want an adventure!

And maybe a musician.

"Hey Luffy," Zoro says. "Yeah?" I call back, giving the island a closed-eye smile. "There's a girl on the dock," he says. "She's glaring at us."

"WHAT?" Usopp cries, running up to where Zoro is standing. "Oh man, what if she's a pirate hunter, or something even worse! Turn around Nami! Turn the ship around!"

"It's one girl, idiot," Zoro sighs, elbowing Usopp out of his spot. "She's not a threat to us."


Usopp jumps up onto the masthead, my special seat, right behind me and points at the girl on the dock. "I am Captain Usopp!" he yells. "And I have 80,000 crewmembers, so if you're going to attack us you better run instead!" He puts his hands on his hips and throws his head back, laughing confidently. "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Liar!" the girl yells, making Zoro bark out a laugh. I shade my eyes, squinting at the girl. She isn't very tall, with golden blonde hair cut just above her shoulders. Her eyes are a bright pink, like the clouds at sunset. She's pretty. Dressed in a loose black v-neck shirt, black jeans and black high tops, with a bright white bandana tied securely around her neck, looks like she'd make a great member of my crew!

Usopp's face falls and he slides back down to the deck of the Going Merry, whimpering, "She saw right through me."

"I'd turn around if I were you!" the girl yells, cupping her hands around her mouth. "Why?" I call back to her. I see her shake her head, hands on her hips. "Marines, you moron! This town is known for Marines!"

"Marines!" Usopp squeaks.

"Sounds like fun," Zoro says, grinning.

"Why us?!" Nami cries, burying her face in her hands.

Marines, huh? I'll definitely get my adventure now!

Nami brings the ship alongside the pier, and I jump down from my special seat to stand beside the girl.

"Are you all complete idiots?" she asks, poking me in the chest. "Only our captain is," Zoro answers, sliding down the ladder he's just thrown down.

"Hey," I complain, pouting at him. "That was kinda mean."

He shrugs, resting his arm against his three swords. The girl looks at him, her eyes flicking from his face to his swords. She mutters something under her breath I can't make out, then rolls her eyes.

"Are there really Marines here?" Usopp asks worriedly, just stepping onto the dock, Nami right behind him. "Yes," the girl says, sounding annoyed. "I just told you, the town is famous for having a Marine Headquarters here. And the village absolutely hates pirates."

"But not you," Nami points out.

The girl shrugs. "You won't find anyone else like me on the island, I'll swear to that."

"Hi!" I say excitedly, strartling my crew and the girl. I place a hand on the top of my hat, smiling at her. "My name's Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be King of the Pirates!"

Everyone pace palms, except the girl.

She stares at me, her mouth slightly open, her eyes wide with surprise. "K-King of the P-Pirates?" she stutters, taking a step back.

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