When My Captain Decides To Be Stupid (Again)

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"Alright! Thank you for waiting! Now we'll officially start distributing the loot! Each of these is worth a lot of money!" Nami announces, both hands settled on the pile of assorted gold whatevers on the table in front of her. For the first time in my career as a Straw Hat, we're rich as hell. I was never in it for the gold, but hey, I'm not complaining.

With a stifled laugh, I raise an eyebrow at Nami's wardrobe choice today: A dark tank top with the word "GOLD" written across the chest. Subtle, Nami, very subtle.

I'm the only Straw Hat to not crowd around the gold-filled table, instead choicing to sit back against the wall of the cabin, watching the proceedings with amusement.

"Yay!" Usopp shouts, followed with a wolf whistle, two fingers pressed to his teeth.

"Hurray!" Luffy cheers, hands thrown skyward. "Let's buy a statue! I WANT A STATUE!"

"Can I buy book!" Chopper asks, slamming his hooves down on the table.

"New pots, new pans, new silverware... And a few mouse-traps," Sanji lists, rubbing his hands together deviously. Not sure why we need the traps. The only scavenger we have on this ship is Luffy.

"Time for some sake!!" Zoro adds, with the biggest grin I've ever seen on him. I shake my head, casting my thoughts back to how we even obtained this gold. Skypiea was a beautiful, magnificent island in the sky... and I hope to never go back there in my lifetime. The White-White Sea was bad enough when Usopp almost drowned not even five minutes after arriving there using the Knock-Up Stream, but then we had to fight "god". Damn Enel... Nearly killed me, Zoro, Robin, and that old knight guy I've already forgotten the name of. Of course Luffy was immune to his Rumble-Rumble Fruit powers, seeing as how he's rubber and lightning can't hurt him. Me, on the other hand? Severe burns and some nasty internal damage that took Chopper forever to sort out.

Though I have to say, I'm grateful for the Dials we got from the Skypieans, the little shell-looking devices with different abilities. I'm sure they'll be useful, especially if Usopp is the one handling them.

I tune back into to conversation when Nami slides over a good portion of the treasure, separating it from the miniscule amount left. "First things first," she says with a bright smile. "My share is eighty percent of these."

"Hold on a second....!!" the boys chorus, sweat dropping and holding out their hands, palms up, to deter Nami.

"I was just kidding!" she insists.

"You better be!"

"You have to share equally!!"

I share a look with Robin, and we both break out into soft smiles. Everyone, including Zoro, trusts Robin now, and I'm glad. She's a great crew member, and I'd gladly put my life in her many hands.

The boys calm down when Nami starts to explain that the share isnt for her, exactly. 

"Repain the ship?" Luffy echoes. "Going Merry?"

"Yes," she replies. "The ship is just barely holding together right now." 

"That's true..." Usopp admits uneasily. I frown sympathetically at him, but only for a moment. Because Luffy laughs and shouts, "Let's do a super upgrade for the Going Merry!!" 


"We don't know how much it'll cost, so we'll sort out the rest of the treasure later," Nami says as we all sit down to the spread of food Sanji was preparing earlier. The gold now sits in the corner of the cabin, waiting for Zoro and Sanji to bring it down below so it'll be safer. I'm kinda surprised Nami didn't want to keep it in the girls' room, but whatever. It's not like anyone's going to steal it. Seeing as how we're all on the same crew, that would just be plain moronic.

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