My First True Love {Chapter 26}

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My First True Love

Chapter 26

“So…would you? Would you consider changing me into a vampire?” I asked once more. He stiffened and got out off bed.

He walked to the fireplace and stood there, just staring at the fire. There was a long pause between us. Neither of us made a sound, we just stood there not really doing anything.

Was he mad at me? I groaned.

He’s definitely mad at me.

I got up and made my way towards him. He was still in deep thought when I got to him.

I touched his shoulder lightly. He turned to face me and closed his eyes.

“I don’t want this for you Jane…I never did. This feels like a curse to me and I don’t it to be like with you” he whispered opening his eyes to reveal hurt and sadness in them.

At that moment I understood what he meant, but I wanted to be with him and with all of this happening around us right now. It was not the right time.

I nodded. “It’s okay, I understand.”

He raised his hand and touched my face lightly, tracing my features with his smooth and delicate hands.

The world around us disappeared in a blurt. There was only us at this moment and our love for each other.

I leaned forward and touched his lips with mine; the moment was sweet and gentle.

At that moment there was only one more thought left in my head.


How are we going to get out of here alive?

As we pulled away, I saw a twinkle in Alexander’s eyes.


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