My alpha mate

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My Alpha Mate

Chapter 1

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs wafting into my room, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked around and saw my bird. He looked at me and started cawing, I groaned and got up to feed him. “Okay Jace calm down I’m getting you your food, don’t get your feathers in a bunch.” I said to my magpie, yep I’ve got a magpie. 

I then went down and saw my dad drinking his coffee, and reading the newspaper, and then I hear a man come in the door. “Mark I am sorry to disturb you at such an early hour but I have news.” Oh great Pimple face has news, yes I know it’s mean to call somebody pimple face, but he wanted us to call him that. “What is it Frank?” My dad looked up at him, Frank worshipped my dad, probably because he gives his dad a place to  work.

“The alpha is holding an interviewing process to find his mate, and I thought you might want to put Sierra in it.” Oh no! My dad has been dead-set on finding me my mate, and now that the alpha is looking for one he will make sure to put me up for an interview. Yes I know a mate, we are werewolves and a mate is somebody that every werewolf has, once they meet and join they become immortal. When I say join I mean we have to bite each other and make sure some of our saliva gets into the wound. Then we are immortal.

“That is a great idea frank thank you for telling me.” He looked at me meaningfully as frank left. But I must say that I am surprised, the alpha is very inclusive and not many people get to meet him. I just rolled my eyes and went upstairs to get ready. When I came down the stairs and my father takes me to the interview that I have to go through; wish me luck.  

Chapter 2

*Luke’s POV*

I sat there interviewing girl after girl, none of them the right one, and oh god am I getting antsy, I need her, not just for immortality but I want love also. That is when she walked in. Her hair was jet black and it went to the middle of her back, her eyes were like perfect jades, and she had tan skin; well what should I expect from a girl who lives in Los Angeles. “Hello my name is Luke Margrin and I am the alpha. What happens to be your name little lady?”

Okay I was under-exaggerating a bit, she was only a couple inches smaller than me, that is saying a lot since I am 6’2. She looked around hesitantly before saying, “My name is Sierra Millers, and my father is Mark Millers.” Ah yes, Mark Millers, he happens to be the betas grandson, I smile at her and offer her a seat. “So Sierra tell me about yourself,” I told her, but I had a feeling that she might be the one, I can feel it in my blood. I just want to pounce on her and mark her as my own, when a werewolf finds his/her mate they can’t resist each other, and they usually join immediately.

“What is there to tell? I have lived here my whole life, my father is in line to be the beta if my great-grandfather dies, then it will be passed on to me if they both die. I am an only child and have not found my mate.” I looked at her and got the sudden urge to touch her. I reached across the table and touched her hand.

Chapter 3

*Sierra’s POV*

            I just told the alpha a summary of my life, and then he reached over and touched me. I didn’t know what was happening until I felt it. Little jolts ran up my arm as his fingers skimmed across my skin. We looked at each other before I asked. “Did you feel that?”

He didn’t say anything but he got up and walked across the table and pulled me up into his arms. My whole body felt like it was going to explode from the jolts, but I did not care, if it was going to feel like this all the time I didn’t want it to stop. Then he reached down and kissed me! I melted into him, and kissed him back.

*Luke’s POV*

            I couldn’t believe it, it was her, my mate, the woman I had been looking for, and damn she was pretty, better yet she was destined to be the beta if her great-grandad and dad died. We were kissing, god her mouth was in perfect sync with mine, when we heard the door open, and somebody clear their mouth. I looked up reluctantly, and saw Mark standing there with his arms crossed as he looked at us. “It is not what it looks like sir.” I know I am the alpha but I do show respect to my mates father.

*Sierra’s POV*

            I could not believe it, my father just caught us making out!! Luke quickly said that it was not what it looked like, but my father did not look convinced. “I think I understand, you two are mates.” He said, and Luke looked relieved that my father had not been pissed. So Luke through his arm around me and all three of us walked out of the room.

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