Part 4

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The company made good time. They reached the Capital a few hours after sunrise. The watch standing atop the high white walls opened the main gate for them. The column of men marched in, heading for the barracks.

"Take the men to the barracks and help the recruits settle in. I have to go to the keep and report," Rook said to Tucker. Tucker nodded and continued to march as Rook broke off from the column and headed for the keep in the centre of the city. 

The giant tower stood tall above the city. It was the house of the Empire's government and the headquarters for the military. Rook climbed the great stone steps and pushed open the large oak doors. As he entered the guards posted nodded and said hello.

"Good morning, I seek the chancellor," Rook said, straight to the point.

"He is in the war room sir," The guard responded.

"Thank you,"

With that Rook was off, headed for the war room. He climbed the three flights of stairs to the fourth floor and walked down the hallway. He strode past paintings of old men, famous for something they did in the past. Rook didn't pay attention to them. He looked straight ahead at the large doors to the war room.

Rook pushed open the doors revealing the Chancellor, the Great General and the Captain of the Hand standing around a large map. They all looked up at Rook, he could feel their gaze upon him. 

"My watchmen tell me you only brought back four prisoners," said the Chancellor. He was an old man with grey hair in wisps upon his head. His flowing purple robe concealed how frail of a man he truly was. But he had no need for physical strength. He was a politician. He favoured words over a sword or rifle. "Where are the rest of the deserters?"

"We lost them, Chancellor. The wilds has them now," Rook said calmly, his head bowed. His response elicited a smile from the Captain of the Hand. The Captain was a man in his late forties but was already as grey as a man can get.  His hair was tied back in a low ponytail and he had a large grey beard. He was a bear of a man, standing a foot taller than everyone else in the room. His famous broadsword, Wolf's Bane, was slung across his back.

"If you had lost them you wouldn't be here!" the Chancellor was losing what little patience he possessed, "Tell me what happened to them, the TRUTH!" The Chancellor nearly screamed.

The other two men in the room were holding back laughter. They knew perfectly well what happened to most prisoners that The Hand took. The Chancellor was simply ill informed.

"Well, sir, they are a part of the Hand's grasp now," Rook said, not losing his cool.

"Recruited? They are traitors! I want them all executed!"

The Captain of the Hand broke in, "We need all the men we can get, sir. Any recruit is a good recruit. Good work Rook. You've done well."

"Yes, a fine job indeed," The Chancellor said, his words dripping with sarcastic tone. 

"Rook, since you have done such a fine job with you're first mission can you help us plan our next move?" said the Captain.

"Certainly sir," Rook said, peering over the great map in the centre of the room. "We have to strike hard and fast. We need to stab the rebels straight through the heart. Dannison must be killed, along with his captains. I suggest a single company of men go out. A larger force would attract attention. Without any strong leadership the rebellion can be stamped out without too much of a fight."

"A fine plan Rook. I agree that Dannison must die. But we can't have the Empire's soldiers marching. Even a small force would be noticed." The Great General said. The man was in his full parade armour. He must have been recently drilling the men. It was pure white and had the images of an eagle imprinted on the breastplate. He had a white cloak draped over his back as well. The man had jet black hair and was clean shaven. He must have been in his forties but he looked young. he was fortunate that he hadn't developed any wrinkles yet. Usually being the General puts a lot of stress on a person. Especially during times of war.

"Then send men from The Hand. Stealth is part of our repertoire and we don't look like regular soldiers. We would look like a travelling mercenary band to average citizens." Rook replied.

"Thank you for volunteering your company for this job then," said the Chancellor.

"Sir, his men just returned from a mission. They need time to rest," Said the Captain, surprised that the Chancellor could be so ignorant of his own soldier's needs.

"It's his plan, he can carry it out."

"It's fine sir, but first you need to have your spies locate Dannison. Then we will march." Rook said.

"I can handle that," The Chancellor said. 

Rook bowed and made his leave. There were other things that had to be handled before the day's end.

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