Part 15

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The men had only been marching for a few hours before Rook saw smoke in the distance. He looked up at the sky. He figured it was less than a few hours after noon. He ordered the men quicken their pace so they could discover the source of the fire. It was no campfire. Tonk's words came to Rook's mind. 'Rebels burned it down' He feared the smoke was from a burning village. It was black and thick, and showed no signs of thinning.

They marched hard for another half hour before Rook's scouts returned with a report. The men looked angry and surprised with what they had seen. They looked eager for bloodshed.

"They're burning a small hamlet sir. Throwing torches and killing the villagers. The Imperial flag was burning," said one of the scouts. His name was Fred and was from a small village outside of the Capital. No doubt he saw his home when he watched the village burn.

"Any idea of the rebel numbers?" Rook questioned.

"At least thirty men sir, but they aren't well equipped. Not much better than the wildmen I suppose. Maybe cleaner but that's it. Are we going to stop them, sir?"

"I think we have time for a small detour," Rook began. He turned to his sergeants. "Take your teams and surround the town's entrance. I will take one squad and lead a forward charge. We will act a shock troops as you cover us from behind. As soon as we are in the town You are going to charge in as well. This needs to be quick. I want to at least have one building left standing by the end of the fight. So remember, stay hidden until I sound the charge. Then fire at any targets you wish. Try and kill anyone trying to set a building on fire first though. Understood?" Rook ordered.

"Sir, Yes, Sir!" Flint, and the Twins said in unison.

The column of men broke into the individual battle groups and plunged into the forest. The thick brush provided excellent cover for surprise attacks. Rook took his squad down the main road, heading for the hamlet. Tucker jogged beside him.

"I feel it's time to take a little revenge for the slaughter at Whim's Field. The bastards fought dirty and damn near destroyed us. I can't wait to give it right back to them!" Tucker said, his voice carrying a tinge of rage.

"Stay wary me friend, don't get blinded by vengeance. But yes, it will be good to get some pay back," said Rook as he began to run faster.

They reached the village in minutes. Rook stopped at the edge of the main gate. It was little more than a fence with a gate house. He stood under the wooden archway where the gate used to be. He saw its burnt husk lying on the ground where it had fallen.

Rook watched a group of men harassing a family as they set their house aflame. The man of the house stabbed one of the men in the throat with a steak knife. He received a bullet in the chest for that. His wife shrieked and held her children close. They were crying. Each was shot and the dead bodies fell to the ground, still holding one another.

Rage boiled inside of Rook. He swore he would avenge this outrage.

The rebels in the town noticed them standing there. A man, presumably the leader, marched within firing distance of Rook. They stared at each other a while, sizing each other up. Rook was first to speak.

"You are hereby under arrest for destruction of property under Imperial rule and for murder. You may come quietly and keep your lives," He said authoritatively.

"Ha! You and five little men, here to take us in? You can burn with the rest of 'em!" The man yelled, pulling out his pistol. 

"So be it," Rook said as he began to charge. He let out a fierce battle cry, a deep bellow from the depths of his soul. He ran, his machete raised high in the air as the rebels raised their rifles to fire.

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