Part 6

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All of the new recruits were lined up outside of the barracks. Rook stood facing them, Tucker, Flint and the twins at his side. He looked all of them over. A rag tag bunch. Some men, but many boys. Most were still in their army uniforms from before but a few had removed their cloaks and badges, eager to leave their past behind. Some looked strong, and confident. They would make good sergeants, Rook hoped. That would make it easier to command the men in a tight spot. His eyes drifted to Elle, the smallest of the bunch. She still looked pretty, even in her boy outfit. He shook himself. He needed to focus. He looked forward, ready to address them.

"You are now a part of The Hand. Welcome. Before I embrace you as brothers you must be outfitted in your uniform and be equipped at the armoury. But first, let me introduce myself. I am Rook, captain of red company. To my right is Tucker, your Lieutenant --"

"What is this? He's a kid!" Shouted one of the bolder men in the line.

Tucker charged up to him and stuck his face right in his.

"Did anyone tell you to speak?" Tucker paused even though he wasn't awaiting an answer. "NO! I didn't think so. If the Captain wasn't behind me, you would have you're throat slit," He said, quickly pulling his dagger from his belt and pressing it against the man's throat. The man began to tremble, his breathing became hard.

"We have no need for men with big mouths in our company, understand? But the Captain feels we need the recruits. So you will live this day. Don't try me again!" Tucker growled as he drew blood from the man's neck.  The man was already broken, he was overdoing it. Noticing this, Flint strode over and put his hand on Tucker's shoulder, pulling him back. 

"It's enough," He whispered to him. Tucker sheathed his blade, giving the man one last glare. He returned to his place beside Rook. 

Rook continued his speech, ignoring the incident, "To my left are your Sergeants. Flint has the grey hair. And next to him are the twins, Jon and Jay. Don't try to tell them apart," Rook looked over to his Sergeants. Flint stood their, stoic. His right hand resting atop his war hammer. An archaic weapon but Flint was a master with it. The twins stood there, Jon had a red handkerchief around his neck and Jay had a blue one. Even thought they were in they're thirties that was the only way to tell them apart. 

"Follow them to the armoury and get outfitted. Choose whatever weapons you would like. One melee weapon and one ranged weapon. You will become proficient with both. Being prepared for any situation is key. Now go," Rook said pointing in the direction of the armoury. Flint and the Twins lead them off, leaving Rook and Tucker standing outside of the barracks.

"What the hell did you think you were doing!" Rook growled at Tucker. He rarely lost his temper but Tucker was out of line.

"He disrespected me! What should I have done? Ignore it?"

"Yes! For the sake of the gods, YES," Rook was loosing patience. This wasn't the first time Tucker had an outburst like that.

"You are an officer and should act like one. Act like you didn't hear it. Let him grumble, why should you care. He still has to listen to you. Be the nobler one, you will earn more respect that way. Fear gets you nowhere," Rook said, his voice calm once again.

Tucker sighed in defeat, "I guess you're right. Gods, why are you always right?"

Rook shrugged and put his hand on Tucker's shoulder.

"That man had it comin' though," He smiled at Tucker. Tucker grinned back.

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