Part 19

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The remaining men burst into the Capital, startling the villagers behind the gate. One of the Chancellor's officials came to greet them.

"I assume your mission was successful . . ." The man paused as he examined the state of the men. "So few of you return, I hope the mission did not turn foul,"

"No," Rook spat, "Dannison is dead but too many of mine died to allow us to return here alive,"

The man bowed his head in respect, "Their loss will not be forgotten," He raised his head to meet Rook's eyes. "This is a great victory, is it not? Why do you look so troubled? The rebellion is over,"

Rook shook his head. "I have an urgent message for the High Council," He said gravely.

The official's smile faded from his lips. He nodded his head and said, "I will assemble them at once,"


Rook pushed open the all too familiar oak doors and stepped into the war room. The Chancellor, Captian of the Hand and the Great General were all in attendance, along with a few other highly ranked men.

"Dannison is dead but the war isn't over?" The Chancellor asked before Rook was barely in the room.

"Yes, I killed his myself. But . . . his army was already amassed in Fellburrow. They have their orders and they begin marching today. I predict they will be here in a week's time,"

"But how do you know they haven't given up? Their leader is dead, they have nothing left," Said the Chancellor.

"How can you be so blind! It is no longer the will of Dannison driving these men. They genuinely hate the Empire and would love nothing more than to see it burn! They no longer need him. They wouldn't have chased us down otherwise! Other men will take his place. They may not be as organized as before but that has never been their tactic. They know our men outmatch them one on one but they have the advantage of numbers. At least ten thousand men were camped in and around the city, that is more than enough to overwhelm us here,"

"We can hold out behind the walls. This has always been the most secure bastion in the entire empire," The Great General spoke up.

"They are prepared for a siege, sir. They have siege-engines and cannons. We did our best to sabotage their munitions but I'm not sure how much damage we truly did," Rook replied.

"We can outlast them. Even with fewer numbers we  have always been able to survive," The Chancellor said.

"No, he's right. With siege engines they will tear down the walls. Once they are inside they just have to wear us down until there are none left. We don't have enough men," The General placed a couple fingers to his temple. He looked troubled.

"What do you suppose we do?" The Chancellor asked, unnerved by the General's comment.

"We can evacuate and regroup elsewhere, or try and hold out. I'm afraid we have few options here," Rook had never seen the General so lost.

"We can call for aid. Send messengers to East Bluff, East Peak. They have always been loyal to the Empire. Their riders could definitely reach us in a week," Rook said, with a hopeful tone. The riders from the east were unmatched in horsemanship. They could trample the rebel army. Especially with his brothers leading the charge.

"Yes, we must do it. It is our last option," The Captain of the Hand said.

"Alright, I will send out messengers immediately. This is our last hope, we can't let the Capital fall," The Chancellor said, hope returning.

He sent Rook and the rest of the men out. Except for the General. He said they had private matters to discuss. Rook left beside Captain William Fargreave. He had a few questions for him.

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