Part 16

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The sprawling city of Fellburrow could be seen on the horizon as Rook and his men marched along the road. Rook figured they were 5 miles outside of the city. He wanted to make camp and brief the men before entering. He wasn't sure if everything would go as planned once they got inside. All the men were wearing the silver eagle of the rebellion. They would fit in nicely. But that wasn't the only thing he was worried about. They had to get close to Dannison, kill him and get out safely. Rook hoped the mission wouldn't end up being a one way trip.

The forest had tapered off a few miles back, giving way to wide open fields. They moved about one hundred yards off the path and made camp. 

"We are very exposed, I don't like it," Flint said, surveying the surrounding area.

"I don't like it either, but we don't have much choice. Hopefully we don't attract too much attention. Our disguises only work if we aren't killing anyone," Rook replied, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes, we must be wary though,"

"Of course, it's not like we will be letting down our guard this close to the enemy stronghold,"

"I know Rook, you're a good captain. I just have a bad feeling,"


Flint nodded and went off to help set up tents.

Rook watched the men working. They were putting up the large tents and others were setting up a fire. They were hard workers, loyal and strong. He wouldn't have said that when training began, but now they were a tight knit unit, a family of a sort. He trusted any man with his back and was glad to be going into battle with them.

Rook went and joined a group of men setting up his pavilion. He held up the large pole that would hold the centre up off the ground. The men draped the canvas covering over. And instantly, Rook was shrouded in darkness. A man opened the entrance to let in some light. Rook dropped his pack on the ground and exited to go and search for some candles.

Men were still rushing around, getting things set up. It was surprising they still had the energy after a long day of marching. Rook was suddenly struck by an idea when he saw the food packs being unloaded by men searching for something to make a meal with. He was reminded of the stash of wine he had been carrying along in his pack. He had been saving it for after the mission but he changed his mind. He would crack the bottles open as soon as the camp was set up and give every man a share. He began to share Flint's bad feeling and wasn't sure how many would be going back.

He found candles quickly and rushed back to his tent. He lit them and unraveled his bedroll. He rummaged in his pack for the bottles and brought them outside. He waited until the camp was finished and called everyone by the fire. He found a stump and climbed on top of it. He began to speak.

"Tonight will be our last night on the road, men. Tomorrow we will be heading inside of Fellburrow to find and kill Dannison. I'm not sure exactly what will happen when we are inside but I know there is no turning back. Enjoy this night with your brothers for there may not be another for a while," He held up the bottles of wine. "These will be passed around to everyone, alright? No hoarding the booze, you hear me?" He popped out the cork from the first bottle.

"A toast to the fighting men of the empire. Wishing them valour in battle and safety in their homes. And to all of you, the bravest men, and woman, I know," Rook said and then took a swig from the bottle. A cheer came from the crowd. He wiped his mouth and passed the bottle down. He popped open the other bottle and passed it to another man. 

He stepped down from the stump and joined the men around the fire. Flint sat beside him.

"That's a nice thing you did there, the men needed a morale boost after seeing that town burn," Flint said. He turned to look at Tucker. "Though I don't think everyone here needs a drink," He said laughing.

Rook laughed as well. Tucker and alcohol was never a good mix.

"It's alright, there is a limited amount. He can't even get enough to get drunk," Rook said, smiling.

"Knowing Tucker, he'll find a way," Flint said and laughed harder.

In time bowls were passed around containing a stew of whatever the men could find in the pack. Rook hoped there would be enough food for the trip back, if there was a trip back.

"Hey captain," He heard as he felt Elle squeeze in next to him.

He flashed her a smile and she smiled back.

"This is what's left of the wine," she said, holding up a bottle with a third remaining.

"Alright . . . well, it has to be finished so --"

"I was thinking we could share it," She said. Her cheeks began to redden. She held the bottle out to him.

"Oh . . . ok," Rook said, taking the bottle from her hand.

The night continued on, with laughter, and songs from Flint on his harmonica. Slowly, men finished their meals and went to sleep. Eventually it was just Rook and Elle in front of the fire, and the bottle of wine. It had one last drop in the very bottom.

"You want to finish it or should I?" she asked. 

"Go for it," he said. 

She tilted the bottle back all the way and let the liquid flow down her throat. She placed the empty bottle on the ground and leaned onto Rook. She rested her head on his shoulder. Her brown hair shined in the light of the fire. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. Rook placed an arm around her and held her close.

"I know you always fancied me Rook," Elle whispered. He stiffened slightly.

"Did you know that I always fancied you too?" She continued, her hazel eyes looked up at Rook. His heart rate quickened. He bent over and pressed his lips to hers. She kissed him back. They stayed like that for what felt like hours to Rook but could only have been minutes.

Elle pulled away and began to get up. She grasped Rook's hand and began to lead him to his tent. She looked back at him alluringly as she did so. They reached the tent and Elle threw back the entrance flaps, sending shadows from the candles everywhere. She danced inside, suddenly full of energy. She began to unbutton her coat and then her shirt. She looked at him again with that alluring smile. Rook got the hint and blew out the candles.

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