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I laughed as Leo had led us into another dead end. Today was his orientation day; I guess you could put it. Now that he was officially the Supernatural King, he had a lot more responsibilities then his alpha ones. And one of the more important yet basic ones was learning his way around the castle. That being said, when I decided that today was the day to show him the ins and outs of this place, I wasn’t expecting it to be this hard.

It had been almost three hours since I asked him to lead us to the back entrance and let me say, we weren’t going to get there anytime soon. Somehow he ended up taking me to the tower in the left wing, like the very top.

“Okay I think we are almost there,” Leo said before turning around and looking out the window. I guess he didn’t notice how high up he had taken us.

I let out a small chuckled but stopped once he grunted and slid to the floor. I sat down beside him and took his hand in mine. “Hey, don’t worry, do you know how long it took me learn my way around? Two and a half years, Leo. It took me three months to be able to find my way off of my floor. This is only day one so don’t be so hard on yourself.”

“Sorry, It’s just frustrating.”

“I know, Leo, I know.”

“Don’t you just know everything.”

“As a matter of fact yes I do!”

Leo smirked all of a sudden, “What and I thinking about then.”

I squinted my eyes as if in deep thought, “Bananas

Leo just stared at me with a concerned look. “I’m not really into that kind of stuff thank you very much.”

“No, the fruit you idiot. Get you mind out of the gutter, believe me, I know you aren’t gay – not that there is anything wrong if you are.  Everyone likes bananas; they make you feel good and happy inside. Well, maybe not everyone, Dexter is scared of bananas.”

“He is? As interesting as that is, why would I be thinking about that?”

I shrugged. He pulled me onto his lap and looked me in the eyes. “I have a strange mate don’t I? Sometimes I wonder what she dreams about at night.”

“You don’t want to know. “I teased.

“Don’t I? Now I’m curious.”

“Well then tell what you dream about?”

He shook his head. “I’d rather show you,” He said leaning in. Then I felt his lips on mine. I quickly responded by weaving my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. Things can get pretty intense between us pretty fast nowadays and I’m pretty sure most of the castle goers have noticed. I suppose it’s our wolves wanting to complete the mating as soon as possible and that’s what was driving us a little insane.

Yes, that’s right, we still have done the final step in the mating process. We still haven’t done the whole sex thing yet and the human side of us wasn’t in a rush. The wolves on the other hand are going crazy. Wolves usually mate right away and get very impatient when that’s not the case. For example, even Devin and Than have completed the process and they haven’t been together nearly as long as Leo and I.

Leo and I have decided we aren’t going to let our wolves’ urges rush us into everything. We had a rough start during the high school phase and he promised to make it up to me. And he definitely has. He’s been the perfect mate so far, taking me out on dates, giving me roses, breakfast in bed, cuddling . . . he’s the whole package.

After a while I broke away and put my head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I started to relax into him. Although being responsible for basically the entire supernatural race can be pretty hectic, Leo makes it so much more enjoyable.

“That’s a nice dream.”

“Hmm. Can you take me to the kitchen, I think my head will blow up if I have to try and find my way around this place any more today.” Leo groaned.

We ate dinner with the normal group; Emmaline, Than, Devin, my family and small group of others we had grown close too. It was always nice to eat with close friends even if Dexter wasn’t with us. He still visited often but it was hard with him being a new alpha and everything. He’s still the same old Dexter; I honestly think he’ll never change. I’ve noticed that he had been talking about Anna a lot lately. Anna moved to Dexter’s pack taking Vanessa with them. I was happy that they got along, they were both mate-less and now they have someone to lean on. I was hoping I could visit them soon, Leo would like that also I because I think he kind of misses his old pack – even if he won’t admit it.

Leo and I were now lying in bed together. We sleep in the same room but like I said, we still haven’t ‘gone all the way’.  We mostly cuddle at night, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We have no limit of time together and this was just the start.

He was my mate and he will be whether he likes it or not. And he was going to be stuck with me for a long time. Unfortunately for him though, that means that tomorrow he’s going to have to actually get somewhere in the castle.



I said the last chapter was the end but I felt that this tied it together better. This was the one-shot  I posted.

There will be a sequel eventually but I have a busy summer. I have it all planned out but wat do you think is going to happen in the sequel?!

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