Chapter 20

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A few days passed and I had gotten to know the group of rogues better. I hadn’t spoken to Than yet, I had been kind of avoiding him and he went along with it. Whenever we’d see each other he would nod and rush off. I guess I might have come on a little stronger then I was meaning to . . . but he needed to see the truth of the situation. He was acting like a child and I was a toy truck – actually someone else’s toy truck and he had his own truck but was just too lazy to look for his in his play bin. It was all semi-ridiculous. 

I had gotten to know all the rogues better and we had all become friends. They still didn’t know that I was the Queen and it made me feel guilty that I wasn’t being honest with them in return for their honesty towards me, but I feel like it was something that I needed to keep down low up until I can actually help them.

Ever since today, I had been officially old enough to take the position of Queen. Yes, today is my birthday. Today I am officially eighteen, I am old enough to take the throne and make a difference. Once I partake in the Final Ceremony, I am officially awarded with all my powers. Currently I only have a certain limited amount of each supernatural race’s powers but once I become the Queen, I get them all. Down to every last crevice. I will be able to do anything – if not more in some cases – any of the supernaturals can do. I won’t misuse the privileges that come with these powers though, I plan on being the best queen the universe has ever seen. Well second best at least, it will be pretty hard to beat Emmaline. She wasn’t perfect but she did a hell of a good job at ruling our people.

            I hadn’t told anyone of my birthday, no one needed to make an unnecessary connection. I feel as if they wouldn’t accept me if they knew that it was people with my title and power that disowned their type. I wasn’t going to lie to them forever – and technically it’s not lying because I am not making something up, I am just not telling them everything. I was just going to keep some evident factors to myself until I am in a better position to aide them.

“Callie!!” Someone yelled running up and jumping onto the couch. The person landed on me with a big ‘Ompf’ and started laughing uncontrollably.

“Vanessa,” I said with a small laugh, “Whatcha doing?”

She laughed as she sat up beside me. “Running from Tommy!”

Just then a little boy with auburn hair down to mid-forehead, came running in with a Cookie Monster cupcake in his hands.

“Ahh,” Vanessa screamed and hid behind me. I laughed and asked what she was scared of.

“Tommy says Cookie Monster’s gonna eat me,” She replied.

I looked at Tommy who was now rolling on the floor laughing very loudly.

I looked back at Vanessa, “Why don’t you eat Cookie Monster first? He looks delicious, don’t you think?”

She nodded and started running towards Tommy who, when noticing her coming at full speed, quickly stood up with the cupcake and booked it out of the room. Vanessa ran out after him.

I crossed my legs and leaned back against the couch. You could hear Vanessa and Tommy running throughout the house screaming.

Tommy was an orphan rogue that the group had rescued off the streets. They believe that his parents had been killed, leaving him to fend for himself. No one knows if Tommy remembers what happened but he has never mentioned or hinted that he had any recollection on his past before joining the rogue group. He was so young though; it doesn’t come as a surprise to any if he doesn’t remember.

I remained where I was for five or ten minutes before I heard someone walk in and sit beside me. I could already tell it was Than by the way the aura in the room changed. No longer pleasant but not spiteful either. Than also had a certain smell to him that was different from most others I knew. Not to be offending in any way towards Than but he smelt like dirt. Not like the dirty dirt but like he spent a day out in the forest kind.

“Hey,” Than said quietly from beside me.

“Hey,” I replied.

It was quiet for a bit between us and other than Tommy and Vanessa’s faint screaming, the house seemed calm.

“I’m sorry” Than said, I looked at him in shock, I knew Than and he was never one to apologize. The only times he ever said ‘sorry’, he didn’t mean it and you could tell.

“For what?” I obviously knew what but I was just testing to see if his intentions were pure.

“For what I did, I should have never forced you to run away with me when I knew you had a mate of your own and you’d never be completely happy. Deep inside I think that I knew that all along but I just wanted to be free again.”

“So it’s settled then,” I said sitting up a bit straighter. We needed to get over our problems, build a bridge. This was a good way to do it.

“What?” Than asked shocked, “What do you mean by ‘it’s settled’.”

“They will come for me eventually and when they do I will not let them attack. We can compromise, let them see that you truly are not harmful and that you just want to be able to live again . . . If they refuse to give those deserving people freedom, I will refuse to go with them.”

It was a heavy promise to make but it works both ways. The rogues with Than will be free and the kingdom will have their successor back and just in time for the Final Ceremony too. These rogues could make good allies against packs or rogues, actually out for harm against anyone. They could help us in many ways and that is crucial.

Than was a little reluctant to go along with the plan but eventually he agreed. We have to put our left over feelings for each other aside and think of the bigger picture. Soon the rogues will be free and I will take over as Queen and make sure they stay free.

I feel like I was making the right choice. How couldn’t I be?



There is a little more action in the next chapter I promise

If YOU leave a VOTE and COMMENT, I promise I will update before the end of this week and will love you forever!!

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