Chapter 26

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Edited by Debbi_theChocEditor





I smoothed down my dress while I gently looked at myself in the mirror. I don’t usually dress up and wasn’t used to looking so pretty and probably won’t ever because even though after today I will be a Queen, I can’t see myself dressing as Emmaline does everyday. I was in a floor length dress colored light green that flowed like water down my legs while hugging my curves perfectly.  I had a comfortable pair of flats on because I was expecting this to be a long night and didn’t want to be stuck wearing heels for it. 

I looked at myreflection in the mirror. I had light make up and it almost looked natural on me, enhancing my natural beauty. My eyes drifted up to meet the ones in the mirror but once I did, a gasp escaped my lips. My eyes were shifting colors; black, brown, green, blue. It freaked me out a little bit – okay I admit it, it freaked me out a lot – but I knew that it was my powers and once the Final Ceremony was done, these weird things will too. Actually as long as Leo, Devin and Dexter were in my life, weird thing will always be happening but at least it wont be coming from me.

“Callie, you ready?”

I looked to the door and saw Devin waiting for me. She looked absolutely stunning if I did say so myself, this is probably one of the only time I’ve ever seen her in a dress and I had the slightest inkling of why she was wearing one today. I mean it couldn’t possibly be because her mate, Than will be there was it? I smirked to myself, even if she won’t admit it, she loved him.

“You bet,” I said and started walking out the door but I stopped abruptly and turned to Devin. “Look at me for a sec, Dev.”

Devin raised an eyebrow but complied. I watched as she stared into my eyes with a neutral expression. “Why?”

“My eyes are fine?” I ignored her question.

“If by fine you mean as they normally look then I’m sorry to say yes. Why do you ask?”

My powers were playing with my eye color a minute ago. I just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t have rainbow eyes during the Ceremony.

“No, you’re fine so let’s go!” And with that Devin rushed me down the hallway.


It must have been near the end of the ceremony by now. And by the looks of it, I’m not going to be a very good Queen. I could only listen for like the first ten minutes before I’d had enough and zoned out. My eyes had found there way to where Leo, Devin and Dexter were seated, accompanied by Than, Anna and Vanessa. A few of the other rogues were also scattered around the room but most of the rogues had left to start a new life in the pack I had assigned them and therefore were not here. Devin was probably the only reason I could stand through the whole Final Ceremony, her and her faces. She pretended to be a Cyclops, Santa Claus, Goblin, Sleepy from Snow White and so many more un-nameable faces. My favorite face though was the one she made when she noticed Than had been staring at her the whole time, it was a mix between shock, horror and embarrassment.

I also wasn’t oblivious to Queen Emmaline’s stare. Obviously she had noticed that my interest wasn’t on the ceremony and she didn’t seem very happy. But honestly who could blame me, it wasn’t very interesting and if they cut out all the ‘unnecessary’ babbling, I bet that the people in the back wouldn’t be sleeping right now.

The speaker (honestly I wasn’t sure if he was a priest or a spirit or whatever) coughed loudly which brought my attention back on him.

“What?” I asked quietly. I looked around and everyone was giving me expectant looks – everyone that paid attention at least.

“Can you please put both hands on either side of the sphere,” The speaker said gesturing to a glass ball by his side.

I did just so and gave him an apologetic smile. As soon as I touched the sphere I felt energy course through every inch of my body. I felt so alive yet so contained, it made no sense but it’s true. My vision blacked out suddenly but before I had time to react images started appearing in front of me. It took me a while to realize that it was the past. How the Supernatural species started, the feuds between the different types and how the great Supernatural wars started. It was amazing, I’ve heard about these stories from my parents when I was younger but it was nothing compared to actually seeing what really happened.

Once my vision went black again, I took my hands off of the ball and slowly turned to face the speaker. The speaker grabbed my hands and proceeded to chant something in a language of which, I was not sure.

When he stopped, he turned to the people seated down. “Your new Queen.”

The rest of the night was a blur, I remembered cheers and a party and somehow I must have fallen asleep next to Leo because it sure gave me a fright to make up beside him in the morning.

Leo and I were now sitting together on the balcony that Devin and I had once been laughing at Dexter on. We had a very important topic to discuss. Because Leo is my mate, he will help me as becoming King as soon as we mate. Once he is King he will not be able to stay the Alpha of his pack and we needed to discuss who would take his spot.

“Now, I know usually your beta would takeover but I’ve met John and I've met Jacob and I’m not sure if either of them is the smartest choice. He’s a good man but not for Alpha position.” I started.

Leo sighed,” I figured as much. Who do you think would be suitable to take my spot? We don’t have very many options.”

“I don’t know Leo, that’s not a decision for me to make. I don’t know your pack like you do. Only you will know what’s best for them and as much as I would like to decide for you, I can’t.”

Leo laughed and shook his head startling me a little bit, “And to think that I thought you were a weak little human. How could I ever be so stupid?”

I smiled back,” I don’t know Leo, make the right decision here and you wont be.”

“What about Dexter?” Leo asked after a few minutes of nothing.

“What about him?”

“To take over my Alpha position. I know he’s not from my pack and I haven’t known him for long but he seems like the perfect person the take over my position. Do you think he would want to?”

I stared at him in happiness; he thought Dexter would be a good Alpha? “I couldn’t agree more and I think he’d love it if you’d ask him properly.

“Then what are we waiting for?”

I was expecting this to be a long and hard decision that would seem answerless but Leo surprised me. And I admit that I am glad that this didn’t take all night.

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