Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:


I was still entranced by the scent of my mysterious mate when the meeting started. I had done a quick survey of the room but there were so many people that it would be nearly impossible to find him without walking around. As much as I wanted to find my mate, I knew it would have to wait, I was the Queen's successor and needed to act accordingly.

The Queen stood up and addressed the large crowd, "As you all are aware, I am Queen Emmaline, queen of the supernaturals. This meeting though is only called out towards the werewolves because it only concerns your species. It would be absurd and useless to have to gather all supernatural species for something that is no danger to any of them yet."

Queen Emmaline had always been a respected strong-willed woman whose motives were never questioned. She had always thought to do the best for everyone even if that meant sacrificing herself if it came to it. She was right stating that it would make no sense to have every supernatural leader of each coven, pack; pentagram and any other sort of group supernatural's have, to all come together for a meeting about one dangerous rogue werewolf. It would be a waste of time and effort having to arrange, organize and get everyone out here to meet for a few days maybe more maybe less.

"I know that this may seem like nothing big or new to most of you because they have been becoming more and more frequent lately, but this is a more dangerous case then most of the others," The Queen continued. "A dangerous rogue by the name of Than (pronounced Th-ain) has been spotted recently recruiting other rogues to join what we suspect is going to be an army of rogues. What his motives are, we have yet to find out but please if you have anything, anything at all please does not hesitate to confront us about it."

It was now my turn to conduct the discussion, "Than is a burly man with a dark complexion and hair color likewise. Unlike the rest of his dark features, his eyes are un-naturally purple." I gave all the Alpha's Than's description while recalling jis eyes all to clearly myself. His captivating eyes that lure you in and make you believe anything he said no matter how far-fetched the theory was. I knew those eyes way to well. "He likes to feed people with lies," I continue trying to keep my voice in monotone but still not seeming bored to be here, I have to make sure I sound just right. "He might bribe you into joining him; he is very good with discovering people’s weaknesses, so good that he may find weaknesses about you that you yourself had not yet known about. He will do whatever it takes for you to pledge allegiance with him and swear your loyalty. He is a master at disguising his and his 'minions' scents so they are very hard to track but not impossible."

I went on explaining vague facts about Than and his personality. No one but Devin knew about Than and mine's history and I would like to keep it that way. It was not something I would ever like to re-visit.

Once we were done with our discussions, we all headed to the dining room for lunch. I wasn't very hungry because I had snuck into the kitchen with Dev (Devin's Nickname) and took one of the chef’s vast desert platters, we took it all the way up to Dexter's room to share it with him because he was having a rough day with all the girls bothering him.

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