Chapter 8

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After the meeting everyone piled out of the room and into the large dining area. I had been keeping a close eye on Callie, still not believing that she is right here, with me, and was not just a pesky human.

Callie seemed to be looking for something; her eyes kept darting towards everyone around her as if looking for someone in particular. I was seated near the middle of the over-sized table and much to my dismay, was not close to my mate was seated at the very end of the table.

She still has not noticed me and I wasn't sure if it was for better or for worse. I wanted to see her - well actually that was a stupid thing to say, I can obviously see her right now. I want to be able to talk to her, kiss her, hug her and who knows what else. Now that we can actually be together, I want to embrace the fact. She isn't weak anymore, she can survive in my -well, our- world now that I know she can protect herself. Now that our love has a chance, I want to take a step for the better.

Once our food had been served and ever one had politely started to eat, I noticed Callie once again looking about anxiously. I watched her as her eyes drifted to the far end of the table where the queen was sitting. Queen. Wow, I'm going to have to get used to the fact that Callie, my future wife, was going to be a queen. Not just any queen either, a queen of all supernaturals. Screw being an Alpha of a pack, I want to be king. Take that biotches!

Still lost in my thoughts and dreams about my future as ruler of supernaturals, I didn't notice as Callie's eyes moved up to around the middle of the table until I felt my wolf getting excited. I looked up to see Callie who no longer had that high spirited look on her features but more of an impatient mask on. Her eyes silently drifted over to me and I watched as she took me in before she took a deep breath in as if realizing who I was. Not to get cocky or anything but my looks do have the tendency to take peoples breath away.

Once she got over that initial shock, denial replaced it. Was she denying that I was the one and only magnificent Leo? It must be her denying that she was in love with me already, I reassured myself with a slight smirk.

My smirk didn't last long though, it was wiped off as soon as I saw Callie excuse herself and leave the table. As instinct I wanted to follow her. I quickly excused myself for needing to use the washroom and followed Callie down the corridor she had taken.

I turned the corner just in time to see Callie change her pace from walking to a rushed jog sort of pace. She seemed too deep in thought to notice me approaching from behind her.

"Callie," I said trying to get her attention.

As she turned the first thing I noticed was the look of dread on her face.


I turned around at his voice, scared of what I was about to face. Is he going to flat out reject me now? Gosh, I hope so. Anything is better than the pain he had put me through.

"What?" I replied hastily.

Leo looked a little taken aback at my tone but quickly recovered as he pulled me into a hug. The hug was warm and welcoming and my wolf was having a hard time resisting his scent that had hit my nose like a brick wall.

I have to stay stiff; I reminded myself and my wolf.

After what seemed like forever, Leo pulled out of the hug looking disappointed that I hadn't returned it.

"Callie, I'm your mate."

No Sh*t Sherlock, I thought sarcastically.

My expression must have shown that thought because he bit his lip and it looked like he was scolding himself.

"I already know your my mate, idiot and you obviously must have known it before too, so why the hell were you so mean to me? Mates don't do that to each other, Leo. They just don't." My voice cracked the slightest bit as I held back some stray tears. I won’t cry in front of him. I can't show him any emotions; they are my weakness in this case.

"Callie, I thought you were a human, I could swear you were. If I had known that you would be queen then I wouldn't have done any of that." If this was him trying to defend himself and not make him look bad then it is really back-firing on him.

"So you rejected me because I was a human? Leo, you were at a human school! If you had something against them then why would you make yourself be around them?" Anger had now replaced my sadness. "And now you want me again because you want to rule and be a king, right? What makes you think I would just let you comeback and just take over after everything you had done to me? Frankly, I don't think you deserve the chance."

Hurt covered his face at what I had said, causing guilt to flood my system. I had to push it back by reminding myself about everything he had done to me.

"I did all that stuff for your protection, Callie. It was only for the better."

"So bullying me and making me cry everyday was only for my protection?”

"Well when you put it that way," I heard Leo mumble under his breath while he was looking down at his shoes.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, just standing there, not making eye contact.

Finally Leo looked up, looking into my eyes he said, "Callie, I never meant to hurt you. I don't know how it worked but you were human back then, it's too dangerous for humans to survive with a werewolf. I tried to keep myself away from you for your protection. If I knew that I would go through all that to only realise it was for nothing then I wouldn't have done it. Please give me a chance Callie. I promise I would never hurt you ever again."

His dark eyes were glassy with unshed tears and he kept running his hand through his now disheveled hair.

I so deeply wanted to give him a chance and run into his arms with forgiveness but I knew it was only my wolf trying to take over. I had to stay strong.

I took a deep breath and made sure all my walls were strong and sturdy. "Leo, life doesn't work that way. I'm sorry but you were my mate yet you have been the person that has caused me the most pain. I don't know if I can give you another chance."

Once I said that, I quickly scurried off so I didn't have to see any more of his pain filled expression.

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