Chapter 3 part 2

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Chapter 3 part 2:


Obviously I have some serious problems. Most girls would take at least two hours to pack up their life and even then most of them fuss over if they have enough of this or too much of that and so on. It took me maybe around ten minutes to pack up my "vast" variety of personal items. Please note sarcasm. I really only had like three shirts, five pants, and two sweaters worth salvaging for my journey.

Like I stated before, that for some reason I have this 'obsession' with Leo, I don't know why, I just do. But you see, I have this picture frame on my bedside table, I spent almost a whole paycheck on it while working at a local restaurant, minimum wage.

In the picture frame I had my favourite photo ever. It was a photo of Leo. In the picture he was laughing, his eyes were filled with humour and happiness, his face is one-hundred percent blemish free. His hair had that messy sexy look to it that always made my stomach flip.

I usually kept it beside my bed because just looking at it made my day better, even if Leo was the one that ruined the day in the first place. I know I must seem like some crazed teenage girl but it was true that he made me feel better. Well actually he made me feel worse and then when I get home balling my eyes out, and I look at his picture . . . then he makes me feel better. Until the next day when he makes me feel worse again.

Anyways, I was debating on what I should do with the picture. I felt attached to it, so I decided I might as well take it with me.

I had it in my hands and I was about to put it in my gray duffel bag when a realization hit me. This was the guy that made me miserable, made my grades fall to a C or D average when it used to be an A. He had hurt me both mentally and physically countless times.

I took one last look of longing at the picture before I made up my mind. I was never going to have him. I took a deep breath and then smashed the picture on the ground and watched it shatter.


David and I had hopped on the first flight back to our hometown. The flight took around two and a half hours but I was too nervous and excited to get any sleep or rest. What would my family think of me? I cleaned up and put on proper clothes and for the first time in maybe a year I put in effort into my appearance. But was it enough? Would they accept me back into their family? I haven't seen them for six years so how much have they all changed? What if I don't even recognize them and I do something stupid and embarrassing only to find out that they're my family!

Once we landed David led me to his car in which we drove for an hour and a half until we reached a house.

David stopped the car and then said, "Home, Sweet, Home."

David jumped out of the car and took my bag out of the trunk before running into the house yelling, "I'm home!"

I slowly got out of the car, like the actors in Hollywood movies do once they get to a new house or whatever.

Saying that I recognized this place would be one of the biggest lies of the millennium right behind when people say "I don't know," and "I didn't do it".

The house had been painted a dark brown and the garage and door was an off shade of brown to match. The porch was lime green. I think it's safe to say that the porch stuck out a ton. The shutters were black and the driveway was now a paved one instead of the one I remembered which was loose gravel and stones.

Six years ago the house was white . . . literally all white. It felt so different here, like I know it's my home but at the same time it's not.

David appeared at the doorway to the house, "You coming in sis? Staring at the house won't make it any different. All you will achieve is making our pesky neighbours call us the crazy-loon-heads again and we just got them to stop so please don't make me blackmail them again because I might not get so lucky."

I chuckled, this felt better, and I really did miss home.

"I'm serious though, I don't want to have to blackmail them again. That family is full of secrets and I think the world is better off not knowing."

I looked at him in disbelief, "You weren't joking? You actually blackmailed them to stop calling you a crazy-loon-head?"

"Sure did, now come on inside Mom and Dad can't wait to see you."

As soon as I got inside i was nearly attacked by a woman who enclosed me into a gigantic hug. She was hugging me so tight that I couldn't breathe and that was a bad sign. A human plus not being able to breath equals bad stuff for the person.

Luckily she let me go but she kept one of her hands on each of my shoulders. Once I took a look at her face I immediately recognized her. My Mom. She looked the exact same. Blue eyes like the ocean and her warm and welcoming expression that made everyone like her. The only difference was that her hair - which was currently up in a bun - had more grey specks in it then I recalled.

"I missed you Callie." She said with tears in her eye before hugging me again.

I heard a throat clear and I pulled away to see my father. His hair looked evenly black as it was gray and he had a lot of facial scruff. He sighed, "Callie . . ."

That was all he had to say for me to leave my mother's embrace only to enter my father strong and warm one. "I missed you Dad."

"I missed you too sweetie I missed you too."

David snorted, "no one ever says that to me!"

Mom slapped him on the arm playfully while saying, "You never left, go away to complete a mission from the Queen and come back in six years and then and only then will you get that sort of reaction."

"Hon, I don't think that even then we would greet him with open arms. Your nothing but trouble son," Dad said but you could tell he wasn't really being serious.

David feigned a hurt look, "But you still love me!"

"Whatever you say son, whatever you say," Dad trailed off still with a joking tone. I sighed internally, oh how much I missed this family.

I looked at them confused. "Wait! Who is the Queen? Do you mean Queen Elizabeth?"

Mom chuckled, "Of course not, that's ridiculous. Now that your back I think it's time we visit the queen. She'll be ecstatic that we can finish the ceremony now."

My expression just turned even more confused, "What?" What ceremony were they talking about? I raked my memory but could come up with nothing. The only queens I knew were in fairy tales and Queen Elizabeth.

Mom looked at me and then an expression of amusement and understanding crossed her face, "I keep forgetting you don't remember anything about this. It will all be explained once we get there I promise. We can visit her first thing tomorrow morning but you've been traveling for a long time today and you must be tired so rest up. Your room is exactly like it was when you left and if you need anything just holler. I love you sweetie . . . Goodnight."

I said my goodnights to everyone and then headed up to my room. Mom was right, my room hadn't changed. The same everything. I had each wall painted a different color one was Blue, one was green, one was purple and one was pink. I had a black carpet across the whole floor that gleamed like satin and my bed cover was still the black based cover that had neon paint splatters all over it. I sighed, I missed this place too much and I didn't notice how much I actually did until now.

I am truly home now, I sighed in content before walking over to sit on my bed. Already set down on the bed were two bags. One was the duffel bag that I brought with me and then other was a big bright pink suitcase with a note on it. I quickly grabbed the note and opened it,

My dear Callie,

As a bit of a welcome back present, I went out and did some shopping. Well, I would have gone out anyways but your fathers trying to get me to cut back on my spending so I was glad I had the excuse ;)

Anyways, I didn't quite know what you liked so I just guessed. In the suitcase (which I also bought, what a sneaky mom I am!) I purchased some things which I know was your kind of style six years ago but because I know that that was in fact six years ago and that people can change a lot especially a growing teenager, so I bought some of the most in-style clothes along with a whole bunch of stuff that just looked pretty and nice.

I hope you like it and just remember, I Love You Sweetie!


I opened the suitcase and found a pair of boy-short pyjamas and a tank top. I put them on and then went to bed. I never slept better in my life. Well until I started dreaming about Leo . . .

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The song at the side doesn't really go with the chapter but then again most songs I post at the side don't really match but you should still check them out!

Any cast ideas please share!




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